S&W Sigma .40 LNIB $175


New member
I know a guy that wants to sell his Sigma. His wife says he has too many guns. It's the two tone stainless slide in .40 S&W and he only wants $175 for it.

It has two 10 round mags and he's throwing in a holster. I took a look at it and it looks unfired. The guy's a gun nut and he has so many guns he cannot possibly keep up after them all.

I've searched and read just about every previous thread about the Sigmas and it seems like it's a mixed match of Glock fans flaming the Sigma over the lawsuit.

I don't know how much of the unreliability issues posted are factual or just flaming the pistol because it's a knock off of the Glock.

I like the grip angle of the Sigma better than the Glock. Plus, I can reach the mag release on the Sigma, as opposed to the Glock. I naturally index the front sight of a Glock too high anyway and the Sigma went right to point of aim like my Kimber.

Is there anyone out there that has a REAL opinion, rather than what they've heard? I'm talking REAL experience from ownership or carrying as an issue weapon from their PD.


New member
if you dont want it , i will take it . thats a good price and its a good gun. falls in the Mediorce class but that price its a winner.
I've had three of them since they were first introduced, and I think they are actually pretty good. The trigger isn't so good sometimes. That's about the only place they can be faulted. I don't know where all of the flaming comes from. I'm sure there are some bad ones around, but mine never failed to fire or feed or eject.

I just don't dig polymer-framed guns (I've had a Glock, too, and couldn't warm up to it either), no matter who makes it. (I like Smith and Wesson, too; must be something in my head that screams "It ain't right unless it's wood and steel!". I've been about a heartbeat away from flipping out the cash for a Bushmaster M17 for about four months now, so it's not just pistols that make me do it, either.....) The price is great, especially if it's never been fired.


New member
Most of the reliabliity issues were with early guns. If the grip area is checkered around where the S&W logos are, then it's a newer model and it should be alright. They're not as nice as the Glocks, but the single example I have (It's a .357 Sig and I bought it b/c it was an uncataloged oddball) has been really good. Only issue I have was the mag release broke. Sent it back and got the gun back repaired 2 weeks later. Still, S&W is backing the warranty on these guns, so if you have any trouble, send it back and they'll fix it. The .40s had 15 round pre-bans available and you still see them on www.gunbroker.com for reasonable prices. Good package. Size seems to be somewhere between Glock 22 and 23. I'd say, if you like it, the price is good. I would buy it.


Moderator Emeritus
Other than the wretched triggers, they're better pistols than most folks give them credit for. They might be somewhat less durable than a Glock, but most folks find them to be more comfortable in the hand. The price on them is definitely right, too.

Te Anau

New member
Im anxiously awaiting my new 9mm Sigma which I should be able to pick up tomorrow.If it has the accessory rail at the front of the frame its an enhanced version.Looking for that and the checkered grip as someone else said will clue you in.I personally would not get the older version.By the way,I dont plan on spending a fortune on normal capacity mags,but if the ban sunsets what capacity mags will be available for the 9mm?


Moderator Emeritus
By the way,I dont plan on spending a fortune on normal capacity mags,but if the ban sunsets what capacity mags will be available for the 9mm?

I seem to recall that 9mm Sigma mags hold 16 or 17 rounds...

Te Anau

New member
That would be great! I plan on using Speer gold dot 124gr +P,HP's in the first mag just to break it in with honor.


New member
The factory mags will probably run $40 (S&W regular retail for just about every other magazine they make) after the ban. You can find them for about $65-70 now pretty easily with the occasional $55 ad.


New member
I appreciate all the heads up from you folks. I'm going to meet the guy at about 5:00 PM EST to purchase the firearm. For some reason, I do not recall if it had the grip checkering that you are talking about, SouthpawShootr and Te Anau. I wasn't aware of any need to look at different grip types. I thought they were all the same. I'll be sure to make note of it this time. It only came with post ban magazines, so it probably IS the later model.

Thank you for your advice. I have nothing but appreciation for you folks and this forum for giving this newbie advice. You all have been very informative with your comments. I'll let you know how everything goes.


New member
Coming with post-ban mags doesn't necessarily make it a new model. My .357 came with post-ban mags and it was the older frame. I don't think they changed the frames until after the ban.

Everybody else: Do you know what where the stamping is on LE mags?

Look at these over at Gunbroker. The price is really low for 9mm pre-bans. They are Sigma "pre-ban" mags, the pic is fuzzy, and I seem to remember that 5906 LE mags (my buddy's issue gun) has the LE stamping on the front. Take a look and tell me what you think (I don't have a Sigma 9mm, but may get one if I come across a good price).


Jason Demond

New member
CDNN used to have new regular un-neutered mags for something like $69.99.
I have started to carry my 40VE fulltime again. There is just something I like about 16 rounds of Golden Sabers on tap. :D


New member
I would check the manufactoring date by the serial number first. Some of the very early models were real dogs. We had 2 or 3 guys at the range that could never get theirs to work after the first couple of rounds when they first hit the market. Supposedly what ever was wrong with them has been corrected as that was many years ago.


I have handled and shot a lot of them, and to be honest, I cant figure out why they are not a lot more popular.
My girlfriend has one , and to be honest my Glock feels loose sloppy junk in comparison - smoother action, heavier but smoother trigger and easier cycling.
I think you found yourself a good deal....


New member
I cant figure out why they are not a lot more popular.

There were just enough bad apples in the barrel to spoil the whole bunch!!
That, and S&W kinda shot themselves in the foot with that "agreement"!!
The two combined to sully the reputation of the poor sigma!!


New member
The pistol is a latter model. I ran the serial and it's the E, Enhanced model. The seller agreed to $175 and I'm picking it up tomorrow. I think I got it for a really good price. After FFL transfer fees, etc...it cost about as much as a Makarov, and it's .40 S&W as opposed to 9.18mm. Now, I have to learn a DAO trigger as opposed to my single action Kimber.

I get the original box and two 10 round mags. I'm going to wait until after Sept to get some high caps.

Once again, I really appreciate all your input. I'll let you know how it shoots. I did a function check and looked at it disassembled. I think it's going to be a nice shooter. Stay tuned for a range report.


New member
My condolences. We had two PD issue Bitone 40 Sigmas come apart at the range. New model means diddly to me. I am the range master and firearms instructor for the PD. Our budget is tough to work with but we are petitioning for Glocks from the chief(I could go on and on). Those guns were in working order and well maintained. Both had gone back to S&W for problems before. Yours might be the exception to the rule. Myself and another officer fired another Sigma for function at the range and had no problems. I'd put at least 1000 round of CARRY ammo through it before relying on it. Just my thoughts as a rangemaster and firearms instructor for a police agency.


New member

I recently purchased a Sigma Enhanced 9mm to throw in my gym bag. I took it to the range to shoot a couple of qualifications and get familiar with it. The trigger was so bad I thought the gun was broken and would not fire! I finally figured out you just have to pull the sh_t out of the trigger! I was able to shoot some decent scores with practice, but drawing one hand from 3 yards and firing center mass as fast as possible was a nightmare! It felt like it was misfiring! I also had 2 seasoned instructors shoot it and they agreed it may be the worst trigger pull ever installed on a pistol! Having said that, it never malfunctioned after about 200 rounds of various shooting positions and I have been told a trigger job or polishing will do a world of good. I sold the Sigma 2 days later and bought another Glock. I should have spent the extra money in the first place and got the better gun. You get what you pay for! And NO, I'm not a sigma basher or a Glock lover, but I have carried a gun for a living for almost 13 years now and have been involved in a lot. In that time, I found out what works in a stressful situation and a Glock is almost impossible to beat! But buy that Sigma and find out for yourself! It may be just what you are looking for! Or, maybe not! You never know until you try it!!!! MK688


Every maker is going to produce a sub standard peice every now and then.
Like I said, my GF has one and hers has a smoother double action pull than my Stainless Python. It has a lighter pull than any DA auto I own too. Every example I have handled is pretty much the same.
The pull is a LOT smoother than my HK USP for that matter.
Berettas are known for having smooth DA triggers. I own three. Two of them do indeed have smooth pulls. The third is as heavy and crunchy as any Smith auto I ever traded off.
If one Chevy, or one Ford, or one Colt or one Smith is substandard, that doesn't mean that all are faulty in general.


New member
I busted out the snap caps and drew from a fobus and dry fired at the target I have taped to my wall in my bedroom. The trigger doesn't feel like everybody makes out. Either I have a good trigger or the squeeze is subjective. I just like how the trigger safety is the bottom half of the trigger and not some little pokey deal in the middle. I usually file my calluses off my right index finger so I have a better sense of touch. The Glock trigger gave me a heck of a blister.

Is it possible to buy a 9mm barrel and drop it in my Sigma?

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