S&W revolver barrels


New member
I see a heap of these things on Gunbroker auctions. I assume it is what is kept/left over when some police or government agency elects to "destroy" a handgun for whatever ridiculous reason they have...

My question is, how on Earth do you swap out a barrel on a S&W revolver? I imagine there are very specific tools? Has anyone ever done this?

I have no idea if these barrels ever sell. I see them at gun shows on occasion, too.

Do the sights line up? Is there some kind of sealant used in the threads? Any risk of torching the frame when pulling off an old barrel or snugging up a new one?

Jim Watson

New member
You unscrew the old one, screw in the new one.
Older S&Ws have retaining pins and the threads are not terribly tight but nowadays they are torqued in tight although not glued.

You need a barrel vise and a fitted frame wrench to be sure of not bending anything. The old hammer handle through the frame is a risky proposition.

There is nothing to say that the sight will line up straight or that the cylinder gap will be right, that calls for some metal work to fit.

These salvaged barrels are a good deal only if they are for an obsolete model or if you are set up to do the work yourself for something out of the ordinary.


New member
Here's an old post I did on the ins and outs of changing revolver barrels. This may be more then you really want to know:

Barrel work is a MAJOR pistolsmithing job and requires a considerable amount of very expensive equipment.
It involves a lot of steps that most people, including a surprising number of gunsmiths, don’t even know is required.
Failure to do the job correctly insures an inaccurate revolver at best, and a destroyed frame at worst.

The common do-it-yourself technique is to use “expedient” tooling techniques that are found in old gunsmithing books, and can still be found mentioned occasionally in gun magazines.
These methods range from wrapping rope around the barrel and using it with a stick to form a sort of tourniquet to unscrew the barrel, to the most common, which is to use a hammer handle through the frame window as a “wrench”.

The hammer handle method is to make up a pair of wood barrel blocks for the barrel.
The barrel is sandwiched between the blocks, and are locked in a shop vice. One writer said to “Tighten the vise until your eyes bugged out”.
A hammer handle or a shaped wooden 2x4 is shoved through the frame and is used as a “wrench” to twist the frame off.
The new barrel is fitted by hand filing the barrel shoulder until the front sight is at 12:00, the rear of the barrel is filed, if necessary, to provide a small gap between the barrel and the cylinder, and you’re off to the range to shoot your fresh re-barrel.

At least that’s how it’s touted as working.

In reality, when the hammer handle is used to turn the frame, one of two things happen:
Either the frame bends, or it breaks.
Revolver frames are a lot softer and easier to bend then most people suspect, and when the frame itself is used as a wrench, the frame will almost always bend.
Once bent, the frame is ruined even though it may still be shoot-able.
A bent frame will often have timing problems, and always has alignment problems. All of which cause inaccuracy and possible spitting of bullet metal.
Some owners who’ve tried this method of barrel work, are surprised that the factories do not have some kind of machine or device that will straighten the frame like bent car frames can sometimes be straightened.
The fact is, once bent the frame can never be repaired, and the best a factory can do is replace it.

The second thing that can happen is the frame will break.
If you look at a revolver frame just under the area where the barrel screws in, you’ll see that the frame is very thin in this area.
When the unsupported frame is unscrewed with the handle, it can crack right through the threaded portion.
While there are ways to weld the crack, the very high expense of having a top level custom pistolsmith/welder do it is very prohibitive, and is reserved for repairs to revolvers of high historical value, with NO guarantee that it will work.

The advice to hand file the barrel shoulder to align the barrel and to file the end of the barrel to provide the barrel/cylinder gap always ruins the barrel, since it’s near impossible to keep the surfaces perfectly square.
The result is tilted barrels due to uneven shoulders, and the end of the barrel not square with the cylinder.

When re-barreling a revolver, the first thing you need is a USABLE barrel.
This is much harder to get then you’d think, since a good percentage of barrels for sale at gun shows and on eBay are defective.
Major reasons for selling a used barrel are, the barrel was defective to start with, or it was damaged during removal, using the hammer handle method.
This damage may not always be readily apparent, and sometimes isn’t revealed until the pistolsmith attempts to install it.
Damage can run from tiny cracks in the forcing cone to pitted bores, to bent barrels.
I once saw a Diamondback barrel that someone had TWISTED, probably by attempting to unscrew it from the frame the wrong way.
This wasn’t apparent until, suspicious, I checked it with a straight edge.

Cracks in the forcing cone are common, and contrary to popular opinion, a cracked barrel is almost always toast.
Cracks in steel tend to continue to spread, even if you cut the cracked end off, since cracks are a sign of metal fatigue caused by blast damage.
Some gunsmiths will attempt to save a barrel with a cracked forcing cone by setting the barrel back, but this almost always fails, and the crack continues to spread forward.

Here’s a brief description of how a revolver barrel is changed correctly:
First, the barrel is locked in a special barrel vise.
I had two, one was a small scale copy of the larger hydraulic jack type vises that gunsmiths use to change out rifle barrels.
I used this one for older round barrels like the Colt Official Police.
The second vise was large Wilton vise with heavily modified jaws.
I had sets of custom machined brass or aluminum barrel inserts that were fitted to specific makes and models.
As example I had sets for Pythons, Trooper Mark III’s, King Cobras, shrouded Detective Specials, etc.
These inserts are installed around the barrel, then clamped in the barrel vise.

The action, or frame wrench, is installed on the frame.
This wrench is a universal revolver wrench that fits around the front of the frame. It is fitted with brand and type specific hard plastic inserts.
These inserts very closely fit the front of the frame around and below the barrel area to fully support the frame.
Again, I had inserts for specific guns. I had one set for Colt “E & I” frames, another set for “J” frames, another set for “D” frames, etc.
These inserts support the frame and spread the torque over a wider area to allow unscrewing the frame without over stressing the frame and damaging it.

With the frame and barrel tightly locked up, and with no “spring” to the setup, the barrel is unscrewed.

With the barrel off, the frame threads are cleaned up with brass brushes, solvent, and if necessary are “chased” with a tap to insure clean, uniform threads.
The replacement barrel is closely inspected and it’s threads are cleaned and chased with a die if necessary.

The barrel is test fitted to the frame to determine where the front sight is and how much material has to be removed to allow the front sight to be at 12:00 top-dead-center after being torqued in place.
How much to remove is largely a judgment call based on experience.
Using a lathe or a bench trimming device, that amount of metal is removed from the barrel shoulder.
The barrel threads are coated with anti-seize compound and the barrel is threaded on the frame, everything is relocked in the barrel vise and frame wrench, and the barrel is torqued in place.
If the barrel is torqued with insufficient torque the barrel will vibrate loose.
Too much and you run the risk of pressure dimpling or constricting the bore in the thread area, or even cracking the frame.

With the barrel in place, the barrel/cylinder gap must be set.
This is done with a special cutter tool that works down the bore.
A Tee-handle rod is put down the bore and a cutter tool is attached on the end. The rod is pulled outward and rotated, trimming the end of the barrel.
Care has to be taken to insure the end of the barrel is not scalloped from uneven pressure.

With the barrel/cylinder gap set to an ideal .005”, the forcing cone has to be re-cut.
The forcing cone is very misunderstood, and even some gunsmiths have no idea it has to be re-cut and gaged or that it must be gaged at all.
The critical dimension of the cone is not it’s “length” or taper, but the outer diameter of the mouth.
If the outer mouth is too big, the gun will be inaccurate. Too small and it’s inaccurate AND will spit bullet metal.

The same Tee handle tool is inserted down the bore, but this time a cone-shaped cutter head is attached.
The cutter heads come in various tapers, and you can set a barrel for exclusive use with lead bullets by using a longer taper, or for jacketed with shorter tapers.
The factories use a good compromise that works with everything.
The Tee handle is pulled outward, pulling the cutter into the forcing cone. The handle is rotated and the cutter head cuts the cone.
Again, care is taken to prevent scalloping and the progress is checked often with a special plug gage.
This drop-in plug gage gages the outer diameter of the cone. The difference between too large and too small is very small, so gauging is done often.
The cone cannot be "eyeballed", it has to be gaged.

After the cone is cut, yet another head is attached to the Tee handle, this time a brass cone-shaped lapping head.
Valve grinding compound is applied to the lap, and the forcing cone is lapped to a smooth finish.

After lapping, the barrel and frame is carefully cleaned of all metal chips and lapping compound, and the revolver is reassembled.
The last step is firing the revolver for function, and to check accuracy off the sandbags.

As you can see, there’s a LOT more involved than first thought, and all steps are CRITICAL.
Unless you’re willing to invest quite a bit of money in custom made tooling and spend the time learning how to properly use it, attempting a do-it-yourself re-barrel job is a very fast way to ruin a good gun.

Standing Wolf

Member in memoriam
Well, Dfariswheel, you've just ruined Bubba's reputation for gettin' the job done the quick an' easy way in practically no time.

Seriously: thanks, eh? I knew some of that, but not all of it.


New member
So, this leads me to my next question:

We often hear about the PPC and Bullseye shooters who used to shoot "Smythons" and such, where they would mount up a barrel from one manufacturer to the frame of another. We had a poster in here a year or two ago that showed a Ruger frame with either a S&W or Colt barrel on it, and it wasn't a photoshop.

Was this a rare occurence? Did these guys have SERIOUS tools for this work? Did these handgun shoot and compete with factory guns?

Interesting. So what the heck do these Gunbroker and gun show guys do with all these old Model 10/64 barrels we always see? I mean these things are everywhere. Conversation piece, something to sit on the coffee table?


The "Smythons" and "Rythons" are/were popular. The Python barrels are taper bored, i.e. the rear of the barrel is a larger diameter than the muzzle. This feature is what gave the Python accuracy that wasn't available on S&W and Ruger barrels.

Yes, it takes some serious equipment to do the rebarreling. The shooter is looking for an accuracy edge, and these changes, whether putting on a Python barrel, or having a custom barrel installed, provide it.

A lot of shooters love the S&W actions since the trigger stacks to a point, which can be felt, and then gives a nice, clean break.

A used barrel from a Model 10/64 will work in a different frame, but the fitting is just like installing a new barrel. Only difference is used barrels are lest costly. Each one has to be judged on its own merits.


New member
The Colt Python barrels on S&W "K" frames started in the Practical Police Competition (PPC) matches.
Shooters liked the S&W trigger because that's what most cops of that day carried, but the Python barrel was muzzle-heavy and offered better accuracy due to Colt's tapered bore and faster rifling.

Custom gunsmiths started altering the threads on the barrels and frames to allow fitting a Python barrel, and the "Smython" was born.
Non-PPC shooters saw these and wanted the same thing on a standard revolver, and one such was a Python barrel on a Ruger frame, known as a "Couger".
This led to all sorts of barrels being put on all sorts of guns, often poorly.
This all pretty well stopped when S&W brought out the 686, which copied the Python barrel and frame and cylinder size as closely as they dared.

Actually installing a period Python barrel to a S&W "K" frame required some steep pistolsmithing skills and tooling over and beyond what a normal barrel job required because the Python threads in those days were .5634"x32 while the S&W used .540"x36 threads.


New member
Hello all,
Dfariswheel since you have the knowledge about rebarreling and such can you tell what it would take to put a Dan Wesson barrel on a Ruger GP-100.

Happy shooting


New member
I have no idea what the threads on the Ruger or the Dan Wesson are.

Choices are modifying the frame or barrel threads, or making up a new barrel threaded to fit the Ruger.
One possible option would be to buy just the actual barrel from a DW and cutting the rear off, then re-threading it. This would be a matter of finding an 8" barrel and cutting it off to 6", or a 6" to cut to a 4". You'd then buy the proper outer shroud.

The best option would be to fit a DW barrel to the Ruger by whatever means. This would mean you could just buy the barrel and shroud you want.

There are a number of ways to do this, your best bet is to find a real custom gunsmith and ask about a custom conversion.
People like Clark and Cylinder & Slide Shop would be possibilities.