S&W question


New member
I was in my local gun shop and ran across a S&W 686 7 shot pre-lock with a 4 inch barrel.It was dirty but otherwised in good condition.The question i have is about the price,$599.00 out the door.Should i go back and buy it or should i walk away.I already have a 686 6 shot.:confused:


New member
Seems a tad on the high side but prices can vary by locality. If the gun only needs cleaning, I wouldn't let that deter me. Also, keep in mind that if you buy online you have shipping ($25 to $35) plus a dealer transfer fee ($25 to $35). That makes the $605 gun really $655 to $665. You would save in sales tax, however, if from an out of state dealer.


New member
How dirty? I am sometimes leery of buying dirty guns as a potential sign of neglect. I don't store my guns dirty, and a dealer that is too lazy to wipe down a gun good to make it look nice in the case is someone I would watch carefully, IMO. Whenever I sell a gun, I do wipe it down, put some Eezox on the outside and in the bore to protect it during handling or display. WHy should I care? I don't know. I guess I just don't want to be perceived as a gun slob and would think a buyer would appreciate a spotless gun. Within reason.


New member
when i picked up the gun there was enough residue on the gun to get my hands dirty enough that i couldn't hold my baby.My fingures were grey from all the lead and gun powder and there were several deep scratches at the end of the barrel,mabye from being dropped or not i can't tell.Really it felt and smelled like i had just shot the gun.


New member
I see no reason to buy a plus model when you have a standard one.

As to a short barrel, I went that direction after falling in love with my 686 4" and bought a -4 six shot 2.5". Nice, but too bulky to really CC and no where near as handy as a 66 or 19 2.5" (I have one of each). It will be for sale shortly. The 686 4" is a keeper; the 19/66 2.5" is a keeper. In between is not.

If you want a snubby, try the K frame. Sounds like you've already made the right call on the 4" plus.
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New member
The price is high and you already have a 6 shot 686. I wouldn't waste the gas or brain cells to even take another look at it.


New member
If it's a 686-4, or even a 686-5 7-shot, thats not really a bad price. Not great, but not bad. The 686-4 is widely considered the "best" variant of the 686 by S&W aficionados.

The 686-4 was the last 686 to feature all forged parts and no MIM, and the 7-shot 686-4 was only made for one year.

The 686-5 introduced MIM parts and the frame mounted firing pin. After that the lock was installed, and I don't bother with keeping track of features after that.

Considering what the asking price for the new ones are, and what you get for that amount, I'd buy that pre lock 686+. It would not last long at that price on the S&W forum. Good luck with your decision! Regards 18DAI.


New member
Sometimes you can get a deal when the dealer is lazy and doesn't clean guns. I once bought a Model 10 and a Model 19 that were dirty from the dealer at good prices. I'm guessing he bought them from a police auction of confiscated weapons and never bothered to clean them. They both cleaned up very nicely, especially the 19.


New member
Run away!!!

6 shot 686s in great condition sell for under $400 around here. Heck, my sister got a 4" 681 (fixed sights) for $350.

For $600 you can get a very nice (99%) N Frame S&W Model 27. Actually, I've seen nice Model 28s selling for $400 around here. Or you can get a S&W K-22 for $500 and get a crap load of 22LR with the other $100.
6 shot 686s in great condition sell for under $400 around here. Heck, my sister got a 4" 681 (fixed sights) for $350.

For $600 you can get a very nice (99%) N Frame S&W Model 27. Actually, I've seen nice Model 28s selling for $400 around here. Or you can get a S&W K-22 for $500 and get a crap load of 22LR with the other $100.

Where is here?


New member
Around here i haven't seen a S&W in any condition accept on-line for less than 550.00.I still remember when i bought my 686 for 460.00 nib,but that was about 13 years ago too.:eek:


New member
Most used S&Ws in excellent condition fetch over $500 here in southern Maryland, and they are few and far between. About two months ago I paid $525 for a preowned, 6" barrel 686 plus from 2002 that only had one box of ammo shot through it.


New member
Where is here?

Sorry, Eastern NC.

Good used revolvers are few and far between around here, but when you find them they are usually priced well. I got the below S&W Model 14-4 for $350 about 2 1/2 years ago from a Jacksonville NC pawn shop; it sat there for at least a year while gold plated pimptastic "Deagles" flew out the door:



New member
I went back today and asked what would be the least amount he would take for the gun and i was told that 575.00 +tax was the lowest he would go.Nahhhh i told him no thanks.I'll wait for a better deal in another store:rolleyes:


New member
S&w 686

I just picked up a 686-4pp 6" excellant condition from on line Gun Brokers for $434. New in the box are going for around $550 - $600