S&W Quality Control.....

The Plainsman

New member
I recently visited with an armorer for one of the largest law enforcement agencies in the general Kansas City metro area. We were discussing the S&W 5906's that his department had used for several years. He told me that some years ago, when they received new guns from S&W, all they did was take them out of the box, give them a general once-over, clean them and issue them to the officers.

In the course of our conversation, he described how bad S&W quality control had gotten, to the point that it's been almost non-existent. When I asked specifically how bad, he told me that they recently received a shipment of 125 5906's from the factory and in their now normal complete take down & inspection, they found over 40 guns with firing pins rusted solid. All of the guns had a variety of problems such as bad sights, parts mis-machined, frames and slides with bad or misaligned machining, etc. Obviously, his department was concerned about the safety and potential failure of these guns in use on the street. It could cost an officer his life or the life of a citizen.

He wasn't sure if these guns represented the new S&W ownership or the previous British ownership, but in either case, it was enough to prompt this department to switch to a different brand of handgun for their future purchases.

:rolleyes: Makes you wonder doesn't it?


This represents what happens in a company with chaotic ownership, absolutely no direction, up to it's neck in debt, and fighting to keep it's head above water and stay solvent. It is inexcusable. Tell the PD's to buy Sigs like the FBI did, or even Berettas are better (and even Glocks)... I've never heard anything good about SW autos.


New member

S&W autos are by no means my favorites...BUT

I carried one (a 5906) for over 4 years (because I had to) and shot over 3000 rounds through it without a hitch, and consistently shot perfect scores with it out to 25 yards.

There...now you have heard something good about S&W autos.

But I agree that a Sig or Glock or HK would probably be a better duty gun with my nod going to the Glock 21 .45 ACP. I don't care for Berettas and I would never pick anything just because the FBI did. But for your info, FBI is now carrying Glocks.

However, given my druthers, I'd pick a full size 1911 .45 ACP.


New member
Wow, that's bad!

I used to like the "classic" line of the semi-auto's. I owned one a while back. I might have even considered picking up another one, but just can't deal with the attempt to modernize them (accessory rail) or to make them look cool (blued? accent parts on SS guns).

Maybe S & W will take them back and replace them with a more "modern" (that's been badly copied/ licensed) pistol design.

Let's see, how about a nice Sigma or SW99.:barf:

To be fair, I don't think anyone's quality is not what it used to be. Instead of saying what the market will bear, it's what the consumer will bear. Consumer's of the world unite!!
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New member
Some ten years ago I carried a 5904 as a duty sidearm. While it wasn't one of the most accurate guns I have ever fired, it certainly was one of the most reliable! I am not a fan of the 9MM, but I wish to God I had bought one back then. It was that good a gun!

In contrast, one of the biggest POS guns I own is a 586 that I bought around late '82 or early '83. The thing has been to the factory twice for repairs, and I would not trust my life to it. I don't even carry in when I'm fishing in the Sierras because I can't count on its cylinder to rotate should I encounter a bear or lion. But I have an older Model 27 that is as smooth as a baby's behind, and it's as reliable as I could demand.

Take care,


New member
That's a prime target for a commercial sale of a alternative brand and take a swipe at S&W. What department exactly is this and what was the armorer's name? I want to talk to them!

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
Greeting's Plainsman, my friend

yes, I agree Smith & Wesson is in a sad state of affair's.
Sure hope they rectify "the agreement", and get thing's
turned around quickly? Maybe, somehow they can save
the day, and possibily their business.

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member