S&W - need your input!


New member
I've got the opportunity to purchase a nib 945 (Smiths semi-1911), the 3.75" aluminium frame/ss slide model. This is a pre-sellout pistol or I would not be considering it. My dealer has had it in his safe for months and now has decided to sell it.

My question for you is would you be concerned about future availability of parts and service given S&Ws current situation? This is strictly a performance center model and the only parts that can be readily purchased are mags and the recoil spring. Its my understanding that the frame, slide, barrel, slide stop and plunger are S&W parts - the rest are std 1911 parts IIRC.

If you wanted to buy this pistol what would you do? stock up on the S&W parts that are most likely to fail or need replacing? or.....



New member
I would only buy it if the price was absolutely fantastic...the 945 is a nice piece without a doubt. But there are other nice guns out there if the guy isn't giving it away (not a cheap gun, well to me anyway).

I would be curious myself on the future availability of parts for S&W's in general- lets say, 5 years from now.

Good Guy

New member
I'd be leery of a semi-experimental, limited production pistol manufactured by a company with what amounts to, at best, a questionable future. Like JG says, it would have to be priced CHEAP for any consideration by me. Remember, if you are thinking of stocking up on spare parts for it, you will have to buy them from S&W. Let's not give them any money, even for parts.

Personally I'd rather have a REAL 1911 made by Kimber, Colt, Springfield, Baer, etc.

Just one of the Good Guys

Badger Arms

New member
I have a 4516, all of which are pre-sellout. I like the compact Smiths and it should be a fine gun. I think some parts are interchangeable. It's my opinion that S&W will be sold off to an investment company as soon as it's devalued enough. The 'Under New Management' banner would certainly be welcome. New guns and parts would then start flowing. All we can do is hope. What a sad betrayal. Thank you for your support of the boycot.

[This message has been edited by badgerarms (edited July 24, 2000).]


New member
Don't do it, BK!!! Just say NO to *&*!


¡Viva la RKBA!
Bulldawg: NRA, GOA, TSRA, Shiner Bock Connoisseur.
Bulldawg's Firearms Page


This entire Smith & Wesson "agreement" b/s caught me in a bind because of parts. I had three "project" guns I had already started building prior to the sell out and need parts for them. They are al new parts that, although I can get some of them from Brownells they will restock. There by putting money in S&W's hands. As Good Guy said we should not even give them money for parts so I'm stuck.
We are all guessing when it comes to what the future holds for Smith but I'll look into my crystal ball and take a shot at it to.
I agree with Badgerarms that they will ventually be bought by another firm. However after they are purchased I think the new company will strem line the product line and drop many fo the models currently being offered. The 945 will be one of the models that gets dropped.
If it were me, and I could aford to (which I couldn't) I would buy the 945. Forget giving S&W money for spare parts. Stick the gun in my sock drawer....er....safe....and forget it other then to take it out and fondle it ocassionally. Then I'd buy something else less pricey to shoot. But as I said I couldn't afford to do that any way.
The 945 was on my "list" for this year before the sell out. :(



New member
well the price is really, really good! I had actually wanted the 4" all stainless version but that options out (for me) in regards to the agreement. Recoil springs can be had from Wolff... so I am leaning towards buying it.

Bulldog, tell me how you really feel :D

and get this, in the latest AH mag I see an ad for a PC 952, their bringing back the target .38 aaargh, I hate those bastids!!!


New member
Just remember, folks. *&* may be bought out, but the agreement will flow right along with all the other rights, responsibilities, and contracts. *&* will have to sell the rights to their designs and equipment to another company and that company will have to manufacture under a different name. Barring a change in administration, *&* will NEVER be able to get out of this agreement, regardless of who owns it.


New member
bought the 945 Monday! This thing is sweeeet, well fitted and finished. No play at all- should be accurate. Spare parts should be no problem as this will be carried more than shot.

Thanks to everyone for your views.


New member
I have, own and shoot a 4" pre-agreement S&W 945. Lot's of folks don't like it because it's S&W or because it's expensive or because they don't have one, or because... All that not withstanding, it is the best (accuracy, reliability, good looks, ergonomics) centerfire pistol I've ever owned or shot (the S&W Model 41 is the best rimfire IMHO). Yes, S&W is currently owned/run by shortsighted fools, jerks, idiots. But yes, their revolvers and M41s and many of thier Performance Center products were the best of the breed. Vote for the firm that was by buying their preagreement stuff. Regards, Dennis

7th Fleet

New member
Don't buy the thing if your dealer is a stocking Smith $ Wesson dealer, he will just reorder and replace it with something else from them. The boycott continues.




New member
A very simple solution to your problem, :rolleyes: If you like it and can afford it, BUY IT :D You will regret it if you don't ;) Worry about parts when the time comes, I'm sure they will be available.
So if I were you I would jump in my car and run right down to the gun shop and get it :D
It' calling out to you :eek:
Happy Shooting :)

We preserve our freedoms by using four boxes: soap,ballot,jury, and cartridge.


New member
Damn I wish that you hadn't bought that gun. I have one and consider it to be the best .45 I have ever owned. And I have and do own a considerable amount. I was hoping you would give out the name of the dealer who had it. I could use another one. When you find something you really like always buy two of them. I had the fullsize before i bought the compact and was happy with it. But there is no contest. The compact is the cat's meow.


New member
The boycott does continue! My guy is not restocking smiths. To me, this was a last opportunity to buy this particular pistol... or any new S&W pistols, maybe forever, hopefully, for a short time span.

I would've passed on it had it been under different circumstances!!

Shot her today... super sweeeeet :D