S&W Model 627 Price Check


New member
I have recently been mulling over getting a new Model 627 and was just wondering what some of you have either paid for them or seen them listed at (new). I know on the S&W website the MSRP is $1,161 (what a random number), but you can typically find a better deal than what is listed on their website (at least for non PC models, this would be my first PC gun). Anyway, thanks guys. Also, for those of you that have them, how are they in terms of accuracy and such. Is the price premium really worth it when compared to a Model 686?


New member
On 627 pricing...

Check out the Sportsman Wharehouse. The store here in San Antonio has a 627 for less than 900 bucks. Don't wait too long though...


New member
Well, I'll be dogged, I just got back from their website and they have a store within three hours of me. (That's fairly unusual for where I live). I'll have to give them a call and see what they have. I tell ya though, the more I have been thinking about it, the more I think I may go with either a 620 or 686 4". I just don't know if I can spring for 900 right now. College life is rough, it eats into your revolver budget.:D I still think it is a beautiful piece and can't put it completely out of my mind.