S&W Model 41


New member
Folks: I just purchased a fine, unsed S&W 41 with a 7" barrel (and a muzzle break that goes out another inch or so)and two magazines in the original box. It has a serial number of 9XXXX. Does anyone know what year it might have been produced in? Regards, Dennis

Hard Ball

New member
Try the TFL forum" Harley Nolden's Institute for Firearms Research' I have gotten some very good information there.


New member
DennisE, there should be dash and a number after the 9xxxx and then someone should be able to help you out.



New member
Good gun. My Dad has been trying to find one for some time and they are scarce. I'm sure that you will enjoy it for many moons.

The best weapon for self defense is the one you have when the need arises!


New member
No, but see if it's got a loaded chamber indicator on the back of the slide. It's a little red piece of metal that protrudes when loaded. This is what will tell you if it's an early model or not, since the comps can be added.


New member
Nukem: H1! I don't see a little red piece of metal on the slide. Terridarri, hi! There is no dash and no additional number beyond the 95XXX. Regards, Dennis


New member
You have the first version Model 41. These were made between 9/13/57 and 9/29/60. The first gun was serial number 1401 and progressed from there. My guess is that yours was made near the end: 59 or60.


New member
The 41 is an engineering marvel and they are incredible shooters. Mine will outshoot many .22 rifles I've shot.

"Keep shootin till they quit floppin"
The Wife 2/2000

Harley Nolden

Staff In Memoriam
Muzzlebreak on 41 Smith:
I shot this gun for many years, intl/three gun, and found that the muzzle break, during rapid fire matches, was effective to maintain target integrity during recoil. The muzzle never came out of the "X" ring, as it did without it.

There are even muzzle breaks on some intl. Rapid fire (.22 Cal short) pistols. (5 shots, 4 seconds from the ready position. (arm @ 45 degree angle, tgt faces, 5 shots fired at five separate tgts.)


[This message has been edited by Harley Nolden (edited July 02, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by Harley Nolden (edited July 02, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by Harley Nolden (edited July 02, 2000).]


New member
Thanks everyone for the insights. Citizen X on the Nolen Institute page says my gun was manufactured in 1967. Any other insights appreciated. I got a chance to shoot 100 rounds of T22 Target (Winchester) ammo through it and was very, very pleased with the old warhorse. Regards, Dennis