S&W model 27-2


New member
Can someone tell me if a mint 27-2 with an 8 3/8 barrel is really worth $1100 now? No box. My buddy wants to work out a trade and I'd end up having pretty close to $1100 in it. Thanks for any input. And if you just want to tell me how awesome your 27 is that's cool too.


New member
Well, tough call on many levels.

The first red flag I see in your post (well, not a "red flag" but an area of concern, anyway...) is how you come up with $1,100 because if you are over-valuing the stuff you want to trade him, maybe he's over-valuing his gun.

You have to be fairly active in the market to have a real handle on what is truly WORTH $1,100, is all I'm saying.

Next, though he has no box, we have no idea truly what condition that Model 27 is in. Tossing out the term "MINT" doesn't tell the tale. Unfired? Seems odd that it wouldn't have the box. Turn line on the cylinder? Chips in the left stock from ejected rounds? Evidence on firing on the recoil shield? Any/all of those means that it is not "mint."

Anyhow, it's kind of a tough question to answer given what we have to work with.

But it does often appear that most revolvers in 8-3/8" barrel length tend to be worth a bit less than a traditional length, generally speaking.


New member
The longer the barrel the lower the price. The 3.5" is all the rage. The 5" has a cult following. The 6" is most common and the 8" usually draws yawns unless pristine and in original box. I would not pay $1,100 for what you describe but I'm not looking for one.


New member
Thanks guys. As for over valuing my trade I have $1125 wrapped up in my two guns. Yes I am active in the local market and have done many deals with this particular friend. We both set up at the Sidney,oh gun show. That being said the two pieces he said wants from me I did pay top dollar for. Sometimes I get bored and want to see different guns in my safe. I actually picked up a nickel 27-2 4" from the same guy last month. With the presentation case. I didn't know much about the model 27 , but the more I study them the more I like them. They are a really nice gun. Also the info about longer barrels being worth less seems to be spot on from my research. Think I'll pass on this one unless I can get some boot too. Thanks


New member
IIRC, it's been about 8 years, I'll look and edit this, but I picked up a 90-95% nickel 8 3/8" 27-2 for $350. I think, even in today's market, $1100 for that same gun is very steep. I would think $650-750 would be closer to fair market value.

If they are bringing $1100, I think mine will be for sale directly, lol.


New member
The deal is off the table. I'm going to try and get a prelock 686 off him instead.
Thanks for the input fellas I needed it. I was almost blinded by the beauty of the gun. If it was 3.5"-5" I'd go for it anyway because the 27s are really slick.