S&W making Remington recievers?


New member
Was in the local gunshop today and saw a firearms letter called industry insider. It had an announcement that s&w had been contracted by remington to make rifle receivers.
I was rather taken back by this as I would rather not help s&w in any way. I had also been under the impression that whenever I bought remington---I was getting remington.
I know that some gun makers do sub-contract out some small parts-----but big green subcontracting rifle receivers?
Just wondering if anybody else has heard about this and who else in the industry was subcontracting major parts.


New member
Boycot S&W and Everything The Make

Smith and Wesson makes parts for just about every gun manufacturer in the U.S. If we boycot one we must boycot them all!!!
Subcontracting is something which is quite extensive in the gun industry. It is especially prevalent among the AR purveyors. While I can't vouch for S&W making Remington's receivers, I do know that Ruger has provided slides for Interarms (Walther), Sig-Sauer, and for some 1911 builders.