S&W M&P9 2.0


New member
So I finished paying off a lovely M&P9 2.0 with 5" barrel in flat dark earth last Friday. So, naturally, I took it out to shoot on New Year's Eve. I also just broke up with my gf, so I took her pistol to shoot one last time. And I hadn't shot my carry gun for a month, so I took that too.

1st up, ex's Bersa 380. Definitely a feature packed pistol; if you don't know the Bersa .380 is a steel framed, blowback .380ACP pistol with external hammer, decocker, empty mag trigger decoupler(better ways to describe it, but that's what I could think of right now), and finger extensions on the bagazine from the factory. Only problem is it really snaps back into the web of your hand and I don't like it as much as she does. Either way it's a good, accurate, pistol. It was also about 25-30degF outside (I know, balmy to y'all up north), so that didn't help. But still a, relatively, fun gun to shoot. I will only slightly miss it.

2nd up my carry gun. I have put over 1000 rds through it, so I feel very confident with it. Great groups at 7yds, wasn't sure about the 25yd target. Also noticed it kept hitting my finger from the trigger guard, something I've never noticed before. Maybe just because it was cold? idk

3rd and lastly, the S&W. Now the only other full size pistol I've shot is my buddy's P320 Sig years ago. But man. The S&W is so smooth, the grip is so awesome, I could switch out the grips to find the best one for me. Just a lovely gun to shoot and very accurate. Highly recommend it. I also didn't hit much at 25yds because I was seriously over confident lol. I'll be more ready for it next time. I also had lost all feeling in my hands at that point.

All in all, can't recommend the S&W M&P9 2.0 more. Great ergonomics and though I only put some 50+ rds through it, I will only learn to like it more the more I shoot it.


New member
There's a single digit cold snap going on here in PA recently. It makes shooting rather unpleasant. I haven't heard too many (if any) complaints from owners of the M&P9 2.0. Good that yours is no exception. What is your carry piece? You didn't say.


New member
Cheap internet talk aside, 25 yards is a helluva long way to shoot a handgun freehand. I wouldn't sweat that distance.

I've never owned an M&P (never wanted to), but the M2.0 has changed all that. I'm very interested in both the 5-inch and the compact. So keep shooting (at, say, 7/10/12 yards) and keep reporting back.


New member
GarandTd; my EDC is a Taurus PT709 Slim. Didn't like some Federal I got a while back, but it also misfed with some 10rd ProMags, so wasn't sure if it was the 10rd mag or the ammo. Honestly can't remember if it did the same with the factory 7 rounders. As far as defense ammo is concerned, it hasn't ever had a hiccup.

Thanks about the ex. Honestly debated not even mentioning, it, but whatever. Doing my best to move on. I think it was for the best.

Brown, I wouldn't usually, but I can score hits reliably within a 10in circle with my carry piece which has a 3in bbl at 25yds. Just assumed that with the longer sight radius and longer bbl, I'd be making great groups. That's what I get for assuming, I suppose. I never shot the original release, but by all accounts on the internet, including S&W's site, the M2.0 got some love in the trigger area and I will say that it is a very predictable and clean breaking trigger that isn't heavy. That's not a very scientific explanation and I think that a lot has also to do with the grip size/geometry and the shooter's hand geometry as well. But for me, it felt great. If you get the chance, shoot it. Compared to my PT709,(EDIT:) THE TRIGGER is lighter. It also is more comfortable because it's more rounded and doesn't have a blade in the middle. I did get the model with the manual thumb safety and it is extremely tactile, but the detent isn't so much that it's difficult to move. Actually, I would say that the slide lock is the only thing I would have a comment about(not really a complaint, just a difference of opinion): the slide release is very small compared to the thumb safety and though it has "serations" they don't really stand out and so it still feels kind of smooth. My PT709 has a really proud slide release, but it also has a much smaller slide with a (presumably) softer spring. Just something to get used to, I think.


New member
Just for point of order, for the time being the 5-inch is offered only with the manual external safety. That’s ‘cause it was submitted to the Army’s MHS program, which required it. That explains the color too.


New member
GarandTd; my EDC is a Taurus PT709 Slim. Didn't like some Federal I got a while back, but it also misfed with some 10rd ProMags, so wasn't sure if it was the 10rd mag or the ammo. Honestly can't remember if it did the same with the factory 7 rounders. As far as defense ammo is concerned, it hasn't ever had a hiccup.

I honestly think the only reason ProMag keeps making sales is because someone hasn't yet told the buyers that ProMags are generally junk. If you want something cheap for the range I get it, but I wouldn't judge the reliability of a firearm based off of ProMags.

Cheap internet talk aside, 25 yards is a helluva long way to shoot a handgun freehand. I wouldn't sweat that distance.

It's on the farther end of the spectrum but it's doable. I've made repeated hits on IPSC targets at 100 yds with a Glock 19 and I don't consider myself a great pistol shot. But I did that taking my time on a beautiful day in very good visibility with a Dawson fiber optic front after having spent the entire day in a pistol marksmanship class. In the cold in with less visibility is another matter. I'd actually been shooting rather poorly lately and just went to an indoor range over the weekend. Turns out 10-15 degree temperatures with setting sun weren't helping my shooting much.


New member
Definitely explains the length/color. It just had the perfect storm of features that I wanted: 5in bbl, color, thumb safety, changeable grips, sight size, pointability, grip texture. I sound like a fanboy, but I suppose that's how all fanboys sound eh? I like what I like and the M&P9 M2.0 has all of it.

TunnelRat, I definitely feel like I can reach out that far with this pistol. I also agree that with better conditions and a class or two myself, I'd be hitting that range as well.


New member
I've got the S&W M&9 2.0 with the 4.2 inch barrel, and it's rapidly becoming my favorite striker-fired pistol. Actually strike that; it is my favorite striker-fire, no question.

And it is by far my most accurate striker. I've been able to shoot 3.2 inch groups at 25 yards off-hand 2 out of 4 tries, which for me is almost miraculous. So decent groups with an M&P 2.0 is very possible, just keep working on it (if I can do it, just about anybody with functional eyes and hands ought to be able to as well with some practice).

It shoots so well and fits my hand so perfectly I'm seriously considering picking up the compact version for EDC. And I'm not a striker-fire fan; I've been a 1911 carry guy for more than 30 years.


New member
I held the first gen in that size and the second gen in both sizes and the 5" just fit me better. I liked the weight out further.

Thanks for the encouragement. I'll be waiting until it warms up a little lol.