S&W Giving Away Performance Center Revolvers

Guy B. Meredith

New member
Disclaimer: This is not a commercial ad, but rather the enthusiastic support of this revolver aficionado. Sometimes I just can't avoid a little Barnum.

The same people that gave away 5--count them, 5--Performance Center 627 V-Comp revolvers last year (I received one of them, so I may be biased) at the International Revolver Championship is again providing promotional consideration in form of Performance Center revolvers for the year 2000 match. Smith and Wesson is again sponsering the International Revolver Championships (IRC), to be held in San Louis Obispo, CA in June of 2000. Check out the ICORE web site at www.ICORE.org.

Per the International Confederation of Revolver Enthusiasts (ICORE), S&W will have TNN's American Shooter crew to record next year's International Revolver Championship.

I intend to be a competitor this next year. Not that Jerry Miculek or 100 or so others have anything to worry themselves about. This year I had compulsive desire to be out there on the course, win or not--someone has to provide ballast to the bottom.