S&W Cylinder Tight


New member
I need some advice for a problem I had today with my S&W 686. I was shooting .38 specials and after I fired my last round I attempted to empty the cylinder but I could not get it to swing out freely. I eventually had to push the release button and pop the cylinder firmly with the heel of my hand and it came out. I've since cleaned the gun thoroughly but the problem persists. The hammer can still be pulled back and the gun was fired again after I first noticed the problem but the cylinder no longer comes out easily. Any advice or help of any kind would be appreciated.


New member
Check that the ejector rod isn't unscrewing from the cylinder. That happened to my Smith M66, and the nice smithy at the range fixed it for me for free.


New member
That was it! It was simple to fix but I haven't had that problem with a revolver before. I was worried for a couple of hours.

Thanks a bunch Skeeter.


New member
My pleasure to have been of help. Now that I'm aware that this can happen, I double-check the ejector rods every time I clean my Smiths. It only happened on the M66, and we were shooting full-on .357 Mag loads. It hasn't happened with the M60 .38Spl or the .M35 .22, but it's a good thing to check whenever you shoot. Only takes a second. :)


New member
Agreed. My 66 backs off also. Tiny drop of wife's fingernail polish on the end of the threads is excellent easy release loctite.:D
I use the stuff on grip screws that work loose too.


New member
Blue Loctite or nail polish is your friend. My fire breathin' 44 mags' ejector rods never work loose.