S&W Closes its doors

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New member
I heard on the news (radio) on my way home from work this afternoon that Smith & Wesson has closed its manufacturing plants indefinately, citing backlash from its agreement with the Clinton administration.

I will try to get more info later.....


New member
What I heard on a local public radio today, was an NPR bulletin to the effect that S&W was closing 2 plants, (did they have they have more than 1??) due to "slow business". S & W spokesperson stated that "summer time was a slow time for the firearms business", which might be true, however S&W has never closed it's plant(s) for this reason before.

Could it be that S&W, aside from the
possibility of "summertime slowdowns" is feeling the pinch of public disapproval, a result of their sellout to HUD, and Messrs Cuomo and Clinton? While I cannot prove the proposition, I rather suspect that such might well be the case.

Anyone have other ideas?

According to the broadcast item, the plant closing is "temporary".

[This message has been edited by alan (edited June 13, 2000).]


Staff Alumnus
OK, got the following in via e-mail from an "Industry Insider"

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Be advised that Smith & Wesson regularly closes its plants for anywhere from two weeks to longer during the month of July, and has been for at least as long as Tomkins has owned the company.

As I just told Neal Knox, let us not make more out of this than it actually is.[/quote]

We do the same thing in my currently industry. Everyone normally shuts down the second last week of June till the end of the week of 4 July. Normally at least for a week.

GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"


New member
Yea, our production operations does the same thing. It's usually for plant and machine maintenance. Too bad it doesn't have more significance than that.
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