S&W agreement not enforced by Ashcroft?


New member
I have read in other threads that the current administration does not plan on enforcing the S&W agreement. This is good, but it does not solve the problem.

As soon as a Democrat comes back in office, or a Republican with different ideas about gun control (eg John McCain), the dust can be blown off that agreement and it can be enforced.

The lack of enforcement of the agreement now, if this is true, does not vindicate S&W.


New member
Yep. We need to keep the pressure on till something is done about the agreement. In writing and for the public to see.



If the new owners of S&W, don't take this oppurtunity to void the agreement, I can only assume that they wish to maintain it as is.

On another post, someone mentioned that the ole boy who bought it, was an X vice president of S&W, and had bragged about voting for Klinton.

If this is true, then the boycott is still on until this guy folds.



New member
In case you all forgot, there were other parties to the agreement than HUD and S&W. There were, as I recall, at least a couple of cities and/or states that signed on. Any of those parties can sue for enforcement of the agreement. Even if Ashcroft begs off, the agreement will still be implemented.

Dave R

New member
I agree. This is NOT a solution. I continue to boycott. Wrote a letter to the CEO of SAFT (that's their ticker symbol). No reply.


New member
The anti's have been quite "concerned" about the possibility Ashcroft might not enforce the "gun laws". I don't see what the problem is. Many gonvernment officials have taken an OATH that will prohibits them from creating/enforcing "gun laws"; an oath to defend the U.S. Constitution!