S.W.A.T. Article

Jessica Wellman

New member
I try to advertise as much as possible for S.W.A.T. at my store. One of my customers today asked if I had any back issues. I have a few but I'm afraid I don't have the issue he is looking for. He is looking for an article about Olympic Firearms (AR-15) being shot indoors at 100 yards and keeping 1/4" groups. (?)

He wanted to find the article to read more about this firearm and decide if it is one he might want to purchase.

Does anyone know which issue I should look for?


Denny Hansen

Staff Emeritus
I started writing for S.W.A.T. in '86 while I was still in law enforcement and was promoted(?) to editor in '88. I can't remember any article in which an AR was shot on an indoor range. I will, however, go through my back issues and see what I can find. If I do run across an article like that I'll contact you by email.
