S&W 909


New member
I'm thinking about doing a FTF to buy a Smith & Wesson 909. Is $300 a fair price for one in "good" condition? I haven't seen the gun yet, just wanted to get an idea of a fair price range so I don't hate myself later.


New member
IMO, that's a nice fair price. It's not some kind of ridiculous steal that you could later flip for a heap more money, but I would feel pretty good in buying a 909 for three bills if it was in decent shape and fully functional.

It was made in the mid-90s and is a steel slide/alloy frame. The thing I really like about this one that would make some folks avoid it is that it's a slim frame single stack, not a hi-cap double stack. So if you are looking for 12-15 rds of 9mm, this one isn't it. If you are looking for a slim, trim and slender concealable piece, this is a good one if you can deal with a pistol that's a good bit heavier than today's polymer designs.

If you had it and you were in my state and you wanted three hundred for it, I would probably be your buyer. If that's not an endorsement, I don't know what is! :D


New member
$300 for a not-beat-up, functional, metal-frame S&W is a good price... For some models it is a GREAT price! :D


New member
Something to also keep in mind is that the magazines for the 909 are not cheap - about $41 from S&W. As a value series pistol, it may have only come with one magazine when new.


New member
Sounds fair to me, Scorp. You could quibble about $50 to $75 either way, but then you might not end up with a nice gun. And I presume you won't have to pay sales tax or other fees if it's FTF, which takes it from a fair deal to a good deal. If the gun is in good shape, get it and let us know how it shoots!


New member
Scorp, I'm glad you are in Texas. This way, I don't have to be all peeved that I missed a potential deal on a gun I really, REALLY want.

Not that I'm specifically pining for a 909 right now... but I do want a 2nd or 3rd Gen S&W 9mm single stack, and I would love one FTF in Ohio.