S&W 686 or 1911 for HD?

44 Deerslayer

New member
All other considerations aside, the .45 has far less muzzle flash and has a boom rather than the very loud crack of the .357. These are important considerations shooting indoors, probably at night.

Stopping power wise, I would be comfortable with either one.

Deaf Smith

New member
Both are good picks. For Home Defense just make sure you have a good flash light (Surefire makes real real good ones!) That and a cell phone.

And unless you are used to the blast and kick of the .357, .38s might be a good idea. They do make some .357s that use flash retardant powder and thus arn't to bad at night.

You must also consider that inside a house the noise of that roscoe going off will be LOUD! Funny cause this is one case where a silencer would be a good idea (you can, if you follow NFA rules, get one.)

The .45 does have the advantage of more shots and a faster, surer, reload. But the .38 ain't all that bad and you can usually get two .38s for the price of a .45 1911!


New member
Do you have to choose? How about one of each? For backup after the mossberg has been emptied!


Dec 15,1791


New member
It's simply comes down to which one you shoot better. Both will do the job if you do yours. I've carried both. If....If you get a 1911 that works everytime I'd give it a slight edge. The .357 is a great gun. But especially at night it can have a wicked muzzle blast and recoil. The 1911 to me (again if you get one you know you is 100% reliable) ha several advantages:
1.) Better trigger. Revolvers can have great triggers but must be shot DAO in a defensive situation. 1911's trigger is shorter and lighter.
2.) Although not wimpy with most self defense ammo the .45's recoil is more tolerable. The slide absorbs alot of the recoil. Being a military cartridge alot of the ammo has flash retardent in it.
3.) More rounds, faster reloads.
Revolvers Pluses:
1.) Simpler manual of arms. No slide to rack. No safety to mess with. Pull, point, and fire.
2.) Although I think with good mags and springs it's not a problem you don't have to worry about springs being compressed for a long time causing problems.
3.) Revolvers are not ammo sensitive. You can put about any bullet shape you want in them and they work. Auto's can be sensitive about bullet shape/weight/power level. Especially 1911's.
Usual advice. Shoot both. Whichever you shoot the best take it and practice with it lots. Again if you do your part either will serve you well. Good luck.


New member
Not to be a wet blanket, but either one will go through a wall like a paper target if you miss the attacker. Be sure it's a gun you can shoot the h*ll out of at the range.


New member
other considerations.

do you have a partner and does that partner know how to shoot?

if you are not at the residence will they be able to properly use the weapon?

slight advantage to the revolver for just this reason alone

both are good choices, i will echo others thoughts.

use the one that best fits you and your specifications


New member

Get the 686 w/.38+P. Plently of firepower, always reliable, very accurate. Your wife could shoot it. I think from a safety standpoint a revolver is a better choice, folks sometimes forget that there is that round in the chamber. A .45 can fail to feed or eject unless you keep it very well cleaned and lubed. You don't have to do much to keep a revolver working properly. There are some lighter .357 rounds (110 Gr. Winchester) that are suitable for HD but the higher velocity stuff is very loud and flashy. Try some Remington 125 gr and you'll see what I mean.

I like .45's but for HD, for a lot of reasons, a revolver makes more sense if your an average citizen.



New member
How about an S&W 625? That way you have the reliability and stopping power of both? I like the revolver, but any 357 is not what you want to shoot indoors. Stick to 38+ps and use the 1911 as a backup. Two hollow eyes of death looking at an intruder has the tendency to stop the intrusion pronto.


New member
Personally, . . . I'd only get the 686 if they made it in 1911 style, . . . and .45 ACP cartridge, . . . with an 8 rd magazine, . . . but that's just my choice and does not necessarily reflect badly on anyone else's choice :D:D:D

May God bless,

Blue Duck

New member
I am very confortable with either weapon, having shot both extensively in competition. However, If you are a very casual shooter, with little interest in shooting and maintance of your weapon then the nod goes to the revolver. But one thing no one metioned is what state of readiness do want this gun to be kept it, and do you have small kids or other unathorized people comming into your home.

I keep a well used and trusted series 70 Colt 1911 for my bed side gun, for two reasons, one is I have found that I am too fast with a loaded revolver, to keep one at arms reach at night, I keep the 1911 in condition 3 at night, this slows me down just enough to keep me from firing before I have had a even a second to think espacally if startled. The other is during the day, it is hidden, with the clip left slightly low, requiring a tap, rack, bang to fire. This is what I feel confortable with. If I lived by myself, then I might keep the revolver handy instead or in addition.

3 gun

New member
I have both but if I had to pick one it's the 686. Less to remember or go wrong. For HD fewer problems are better overall. I'd leave the full power 357 loads for the range and use one of the modern 38+p loads.


New member
personaly I will go for the revolver because of the reliability, you can keep it loaded without magazines springs getting tired... If one shot say click you just pull the triger again and it say bang. An auto pistol require more knowledge... Personaly I have both, I love my 1911, but even if I trust mine, I've seen too many good auto pistols jam, and it generaly happen when you don't want it to happen :D I have many pistols, but when it come to home defense I trust my shotgun backed up with my 686 :D