S&w 629 ?


New member
i recently bought a used s&w 629. where the fireing pin comes out of the back part of the frame, it appears to have maybe a bushing of some sort? i am not sure of this, but anyway, it is like that part protrudes slightly, and when the gun is fired, the primer becomes concaved by it. i handload, and this concave thing makes it more difficult to "read" the primers for signs of excess pressure. any idea why this is like this?


New member
I'd suggest returning your revolver to S&W. They have excellent customer service and will take care of any problems with your revolver promptly and very likely at no charge. As to what exactly the problem with your gun is, it's difficult to say from the description you gave. If you could post some pics, that might make a diagnosis of the issue easier.

Gun 4 Fun

New member
FYI- reading primers is not any way to tell pressures. It is an old way of trying but was never very accuarte. I have seen very low pressure rounds give high pressure indications using this methos. When I got into reloading almost 30 years ago, I did it too, because that is what the experts said to do. Well, they don't any longer, because they have finally figured out it isn't accurate.

The thing you are referring to is called the firing pin bushing, and it should be nice and flush with the recoil sheild. Call Smith, they will issue a call tag for UPS and will pay for shipping both ways, as well as fix it for free.