S&W 617


New member
I really like the two S&W revolvers that I own, a model 19 and a model 640. But for low lost target shooting I use my Browning Buckmark Camper. I was thinking about getting a S&W 617, just on the basis of it being a 10 round medium frame revolver, which would be much easier to clean and maintain than the Browning. Any thoughts on this gun? Any idea of the price for a new one? Advice requested and appreciated.


New member
:) Just popped in to see if anything was written about S&W 617 as I'm just about to buy one. Started thinking about it when I realized I shoot better bullseye with my 686 and .38WC then I do with my Ruger KMK-512.
Mine will be a 6" 6-shooter, want to keep it as close as possible to my 6" 686.
Only negative is that they are expensive here, around $800 plus 25% VAT. :(

Well, if you do a search you'll find more info and opinions.

About maitenance, IMO I don't think a revolver will be much better then a auto to clean.


New member
This is only a six shooter but I wouldn't be surprised if the 10 shooters do as well:


The groups are the right size in relation to the nickle although the juxaposition is fake.

Dr. C

New member
I bought a 617 and it came with a sloppy machined barrel, the top of the barrel was cut about a centemeter off to the right. The gun I got also shoots couple inches to the left, so you have to move the rear sight all the way to the right to shoot strait. I eventually replaced the poorly machined barrel and still had the problem that it shot to the left from a bench rest. The new barrel was machined a little better than the original one, but I must say... that S&W craftsmanship must have really gone down the rabbit hole. However, with the rear sight adjusted to the far right, it shoots strait and very accurately to give the devil its due.


Moderator Emeritus
I bought a 617 and it came with a sloppy machined barrel, the top of the barrel was cut about a centemeter off to the right.

A centimeter? I'd humbly suggest that your ruler needs recalibrating.

Old Fud

New member
I bought a 4" 617 as a training companion to a 4" 686 I wanted to get "For real". I'm very happy with both of them.

They ARE a good pair. Feel the same in the hand, Trigger action feels the same. I switch back and forth when I'm practicing -- not only helps control the flinch factor, but saves a lot of money in a session too.

Only one down-side. I discovered K & L frames are about right for me, but too big for my women, so I've just bought a J-frame pair. In this case, 3" 317 to go with a 3" 60. I like them too.

All 4 were Manufactured this year. I see uniformly good quality here, and my only greivance is the 12-pound-plus DA force required -- they are uniform on THAT too, so sad. I don't like the built-in lock system so I don't use it, end of discussion on that one.


New member
I could finally take possesion of my new 617 (6", 6-shot) yesterday (only took the police 1,5 month to do the paperwork :rolleyes: ).

It's got the silly lock, but the SA trigger is really great, and the DA not too bad either though not quite as good as my 686, I'll shoot it a couple hundred or thousand rounds before I decide if I want to do anything about it. I probably will have the wide but smooth trigger switched to a more narrow smooth one.

Haven't really wringed it out accuracy vise yet, but it felt good.

Oh, and the Miculek grip on the round but feels almost exactly the same as it does on the square but.


New member
My 6 shot 8-3/8" 617. It's an older version with a square butt. It will shoot 2" groups at 100 yards if I do my part (Bushnell 2X Pistol Scope).



New member
I've got a 6-shot, 6" 617, the thing shoots like it's got eyes, MUCH better than I can hold. Goes great with my 6" 686, same grips, feels pretty much the same in the hand.


New member

I've got one like Asmodeus's picture, except for the scope. Fun plinking pop cans all the way down range. Look for puffs of dust, correct aim, connect! :D


New member
The six shot just seems right, but the ten shot would save some time when plinking since you don't have to reload as often. The ten shot is more expensive, though. Both are over $500 new around here.

Bob C

New member
I have the 4" ten shot, and love it. I read the posts about problems people have had with them, but I guess i got lucky, or S&W is doing better on quality.

Mine is as much fun as playing with puppies, particularly on double action.