S&W 5906 ?


New member
Could get a used S&W 5906 9mm for $325. Never fired one, anyone ever had one? Pro or con comments welcome.:)


New member
In my opinion it is the best deal in handguns. The only drawback is weight if you want to carry. Other than that mine is super accurate, well made, never jams, easy to strip and clean, and is built to last forever. Oh and it looks good too. The only compliant I have heard is the grip is a little thick. I have super small hands and it fits me fine.

The perfect night stand or range gun

Single Six

New member
The LE agency I serve with issued the 5906 back in the early 1990s. Great guns, wonderful DA pull, fantastically reliable. I'd jump on it.

Sgt Pepper

New member
Can you shoot it first? A good friend of mine absolutely loves his. It's his go to gun. However, I have shot it and did not think much of it. Thought the trigger was terrible and I could not shoot well with it. I would not own one. The price is right but you may want to see how it shoots for you first if possible. If not, go for it. Why not?

I am here: http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=32.622539,-97.956119


New member
5906 is an amazing firearm. as others have said, tougher than nails and one of the most reliable handguns out there. It is a little heavy but a good belt and a decent holster will make it as easy as any other full sized pistol.

I personally carry the 4506 and love it.


New member
i have a 915, the budget model of the 59xx series. i like it alot although it doesnt get alot of range time. for $325 it'd be in my safe

DT Guy

New member
The ultimate 9mm hi-cap crunchenticker, IMHO. All the bugs were worked out by the third generation of S&W autos, and they will last forever, work reliably and feed most anything. My first duty weapon was a 5906, and I kick around getting another every time I see an ad for one.


Southern Rebel

New member
Yes, I have had one for several years. It has always been one of my favorites for casual target shooting and, in spite of the weight, was well-received the female relatives that I introduced to handguns.

As stated by others, it is very reliable and well-built.


New member
Thanks for the comments, all appreciated. Have christmas coming up like a runaway train. Will see what happens.:)


New member
My FIL has a 5906 PPC gun in single action. Great for the range but too heavy to carry very much. My steel govt. model 1911 is thinner and lighter.

Onward Allusion

New member
Awesome gun. Probably one of the toughest guns ever made. Way over engineered. Could be used as a hammer to pound nails or crack skulls with the barrel alone.

IMO, it is one of the best 9mm pistols ever made, but I'm biased - I got a dozen of 'em. They eat everything, including empty cases and yes I have done this. They can shoot NATO rounds all day long. The 5906 when used as a range gun will last several lifetimes.

With all that said - It ain't a CCW gun. It's only downfall is that it is heavy as a brick. Got the 915 with a 17 round mag on my hip as I type this 'cause it's a little lighter than the 5906.


New member
+1,000,000 on what has been said. Trigger is stiff, but can be smoothed out easily. These are built like a tank, shooter friendly and gunsmith friendly. Easy to tear down, easy to maintain, would shoot ten thousand rounds without cleaning in a heartbeat.
S&W sure did themselves no favors when they ended the 3rd gen line....
I do not know about the 5906. But I have the 3906. Was at the range with it yesterday! Everyone who shot it loved it and wanted to buy it. One guy actully hit a milk jug at 50 yards with it! I only made it out to 40 yards with a good hit! And not saying I could do that every time with it(but I only have 100 rounds through mine so far) I would buy another one if it poped up and I had the funds!


New member
Everyone else has chimed in and so will I - it was the best pistol I have bought for the price point in the last 10 years. A real winner in my book.


New member
Just got a couple of S&W Semi-Autos recently, a 5906 and a 915. Both great and both under 300.00 each. Wish I had found these pistols earlier.






New member
They have a LNIB 5906 NEVER FIRED at my LGS for $600.00, i have looked at it a couple of times and the gun is great. I keep hearing good things about 3rd gen smiths, I just havn't been lucky enough to land one the couple of times I have really been looking. The only question for me is do I got for a .45, a 9mm or a 10mm

Onward Allusion

New member
You want a 3rd Gen Smith on the cheap? Get a S&W 915. If you look around you can find 'em for the low $200's. Only difference between that and a 5904 is the ambi-safety, non-Novak sights, and less milling (straighter frame profile). IIRC, there was a torture test done and the 915 went 30,000 rounds w/o a cleaning or any changes in geometries. Can you imagine what a more solidly built 5906 will do?

Stay away from the 910 (I call 'em 4th Gens), however - no front guides for slide to frame contact - less accurate. Plastic guide rod. Plastic mag catch. Plastic sights.


New member
No cons, they are great guns, just heavy. $325 is a great price ( I paid $399 for mine in vgc).

Feels great, looks great, and shoots great. I wouldn't want to carry it but other than that I really like this gun.


New member
Get a S&W 915... Only difference between that and a 5904 is the ambi-safety, non-Novak sights, and less milling (straighter frame profile).
Two notes:
  1. The M915 and M5904 have an AL alloy frame, so they are lighter than the M5906. The SS equivalent of these guns was the M5903, which is also available from LE surplus dealers, but it's less common and generally priced higher. The lighter alloy frame is good for CCW but not so good for soaking up recoil. YMMV.
  2. The most significant difference in the frame profile is that the 59xx pistols have a curved backstrap, whereas the 91x pistols have a straight "2x4" backstrap similar to the earlier M59. (This is clearly visible in Smoke14's pictures above.) Some shooters, including this one, can't stand the straight backstrap. :( Again, YMMV.


New member
First semi auto handgun I bought was a like new used 5906 9mm. I put Hogue wooden grips on it to dress it up a bit. Love the gun. Very accurate, almost no recoill, never had a malfunction of any kind.

It is a bit heavy.

You won't be disappointed if you buy it.