S&W 4046


New member
I love the 3rd gen Smiths & was wondering what these realisticly go for/worth? LGS has one for $470 with 3 mags. I thought that was a bit steep.. Average condition, used but not abused
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Big Shrek

New member
Tell 'em you will give $400 Out The Door on it...they'll probably take it.

Those third Gen's are going up in price, mostly due to the devalueation of the dollar...
nothing we can do about that, except buy more guns & ammo ;)

Those mags can get pricey...worth it :)


New member
Great gun but way overpriced for a .40S&W, I bet it sits in the case at that price, I'd offer $350.00 for it but that's me


New member
Pretty dependent on condition. Gunbroker has the bulk of third gen Smiths, excluding rare and mint examples, from $300 for clunkers to $500 for relatively pristine guns. I agree with offering $400 OTD if it's in good shape.


New member
Forget what I said earlier about low-balling this gun. When you find a nice 3rd Gen S&W just jump on it.

I recently bought a LN 2nd Gen S&W 659 for $300.00. My gunsmith just got done detail stripping it & said that this almost 30 year old gun gun had no evidence of wear, he charged me $40.00 for an inspection and a little reliability tuning. So I'm all in with this gun for $340.00, and it is just the nicest gun to shoot, and it's built like the door on a bank vault!


New member
$470 sounds high. It would have to be in really good condition. Of course, these things are creeping up in price. I bought a 4046 from Bud's about four years ago for something like $320. Had a Hogue grip on it that was pretty worn out but the gun itself was very nice condition.

People say the gun is inaccurate but that's baloney. Yes, it's a difficult trigger but once you master it the gun is accurate.