S&W 3906 dreams crushed,,,, MABYE NOT!


New member
So there I was again playing around on GB again and saw 2 S&W 3906 listed, one fixed and one adj sight. I put bids on both thinking I would not win them, the price started to slowly go up and up but in the end I won both of them.:D I got them and also a S&W 3904, I really did not think I would win any of the auctions but I guess the sun shined on this dog butt today.:D I think after a little TLC they will look like new. I will post pictures after I receive them, I know they will be in good company with my 39-2 nickel, 2 639's. Thanks everyone for your help. "carguychris" this ones all your fault again ;)


New member
Sorry 'bout that...? ;)

BTW you know you'll need one more M3906 to make a complete set, since there are two versions of the fixed rear sight- the vertical blade or the Novak :)


New member
YEE GADS....I have one each of all those mentioned and have not thought of 'em in years...
And so it goes....


New member
Looking forward to some detailed pics such as wear areas and possible weak points of the design if any.:D:eek::D


New member
Carguychris that 3904 has the Novak sights and the two 3906 have the blade and adj sights so I think I will cheat and call this set complete. It will take a while but I will get some pics up as soon as I can, I have two other guns I also have to get pics up for so I am a little behind. :eek: possible weak points......the only weak point will be my wallet after these purchases.

P.S. WIL TERRY shame on you.......years....:rolleyes:


New member
smee, good for you. I'm a fan of the S&W single stack guns too, and have owned a bunch of them since the 1960s,i.e., 39s, 39-2s, 539s, 639s, 3906, 3913, 952, 952-1, etc. I bought a new 3906 with adjustable sights when they were introduced. Absolutely reliable with any kind of factory ammo I tried, and my reloads. Wish I'd never let that one, and some of the others, get away. I rarely see a 3906 for sale, and when I do, it's usually an NRA "Beater Grade" gun. Looking forward to those pictures.


New member
Thanks Rock185, I am happy with the purchase too but I'm afraid these are used LE turnins as well so they will look like it, but that is why I bought them, I can spend a few weeks cleaning them up and bringing them back to life. Thats why I love the stainless steel guns, most of the use/neglect can be erased with a little TLC, I dont mind honest wear but most of the little marks can be buffed off with just a little Flitz and a nice clean cotton cloth. I also love the small single stacks with my 3953 and 3913NL so I know they will be in good company.:D