S&W .22 target pistols Now Illegal in Mass.


New member
Thought you'd like to know some late developments in Massachusetts.

I just came from the S&W Range in Springfield, MA and had an interesting conversation with one of the range officers. He pointed to the case of .22 target pistols and said that they were just told that all but two "high end" models were now deemed illegal in Mass to sell. They were not considered strictly "target" weapons by the Mass AG. This covers about 6 or 7 models. If you've ever seen these pisols, anyone with a brain can see that they are nothing but dedicated target weapons. The barrels are very long and the grips are huge.

Things in Mass are bad, fellow shooters. I hope it stays over the border and doesn't infect Connecticut!


Dennis Olson

New member
Mass, the "U.K." of Amerika. Kalif is Oz-west.

We better take our damned gov't back, or we're ALL gonna get that midnight visit from the BATmen.....

"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." - H.L. Mencken


New member
Kind of tough for ol' let's make a deal
SW, isn't it?

Hey, maybe they could fight against government regulations?

Geez...and I thought things were bad here in Kalifornia. Glad were not banning target .22's...YET! I think the only way to stop this bull**** is to vote the bastards out who make up these "NO common sense" gun laws.


New member
Hey quantum - things ARE that bad. Some olympic shooting girl cannot practice with her wathour .22 target pistol cause it's classified as an "assult weapon". REALLY! I'M NOT MAKING IT UP! It has a clip in front of the grip, which makes it a scary assult weapon.
I really feel for y'all in Mass. I hope you can vote in some sane people to change your laws. Here in Kalifornia, I think we will be the next to suffer such brainless anti-gun laws (its already started here).


New member
Don't worry, the rest of the country will catch up to your state's state of enlightenment in about 10-20 years. :(

Reading "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal," by Ayn Rand, should be required of every politician and in every high school.

"Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are ruined."
--Patrick Henry, during Virginia's Convention to Ratify the Constitution (1788)



New member
Ca. Gov. Davis just signed a bill exempting Olympic target pistols from the SB23 regulations. What models S&W are we talking about here, 41? November may be the last chance to turn the vote w/o screwing us good. Feels like a frog in a pot of cold water being heated to boiling. We won't know its too late til we are cooked. MWT

Mike H

New member
This must be referring to the 22A and 22S range of .22LR's.

Question is, just what CAN residents of Mass buy in the way of handguns these days, and just what hoops do they have to jump through to achieve it,

Mike H


New member
They are probably illegal for the same insane/innane reason Freedom Arms guns are... They have idiotic, destructive, "safety test" requirements for all new guns - for EACH MODEL, not just each type. FA refuses to subject $50,000 worth of guns to early demise just for the privlege of selling there (see their website for details). Likewise, Smith probably has no desire to destroy such highly refined guns for no good purpose.

Score one for the M*******s in power.


Honor Before All
Doing Least Harm Always


New member
In Mass you can buy the following;
1. Most s$W autos and revolvers.(mass complant)
2. Walther pistols (mass compliant)
3. The new M series sig pistols (expensive but mass compliant)
4. Any new or used pistol manufactured before october of 1998.
5. Ruger revolvers

Mass residents correct me if I am wrong but this is at least what I have learned from my local dealers.


New member
Jeepster: Where'd you see Ruger revolvers? I haven't seen any MA gun shop carrying them lately...



New member

There are an abundance of ruger revolvers at the "Village gun shop" on rte.9 in Northboro and "The gun room" also on rte.9 in shrewsbury.


New member
NAA (guardian et-al) is Mass Compliant.


Honor Before All
Doing Least Harm Always


New member
Just got back from the KTP

in Maine...I want to cry every time I go there and see used(look like brand new) Glocks for 399 instead of the 550-700 that MA gunshops are charging......also nice to see 1911 style pistols....jeez have seen any of them for awhile...

Damn it...I'm so friggin fed up with this state and its politics....hmmmmm NH would only add about 20 minutes to my commute...although I hear a lot of NH natives are getting mighty pissed off as liberal MA residents are moving up there in droves due to housing prices....changing the NH political climate in the process...hey NH residents..I'm on your side :) Don't mix me up with those clowns


New member

Did you hear the story about the 4 New Englanders on a road trip?

There were four men in the car, one each from Maine, NH, VT, and MA. They're driving down the road when suddenly the guy from Maine pulls a potato out of his coat, rolls down the window, and throws it out of the car. He says to his fellows: "There's so many potatoes in Maine, I'm sick of them."

They keep driving for a while, then suddenly the guy from Vermont pulls a bottle of maple syrup out of his coat, rolls down the window, and pitches the bottle out of the car. He says to his fellows: "There's so much maple syrup in Vermont, I'm sick of it."

They drive along for a while, until the New Hampshire man gets inspired by his fellow passengers. He reaches across the car, opens the door, and pushes the Massachusetts man out of the car.
