??'s on a WASR semi auto


New member
For some time now I have been "eye-balling" these WASR Semi Auto's. When I stopped into Dunham's today to check out life preservers, I notice they are having a "Door Buster" sale on them today and tommorrow. The only purpose for the gun is because I think they look neat, I want to do some plinking with it and maybe resale it in 20 years.
The questions I have are: 1.) is $229.99 a good price on that gun right now? 2.) anything in particular I should check, inspect or inquire about before purchasing it? 3.) anybody particularly like or dislike this gun (like, they are great; or stay ta heck away from them).
I got tonight and tommorrow to think about it and read some forum members thoughts before making the purchase. So anybody want to give me some pointers on this, I'd appreciate it.


New member
Make sure they`re not the single stack mag (10 round only) variant. They sell for a lot less money than the std. version. Marcus


They have the worst finish of any AK in existence, and are definitely the lowest rung in terms of economy...think of them as the Ford Festiva of AKs. The finish isn't just bad, it's atrocious. You'll probably want to refinish it, period.

Aside from that, they seem to shoot alright. The mag might wobble if the Century monkeys were enthusiastic with the dremeling.

As others have said, there's two versions. The WASR-10 single stack mag, which goes for around the price you mentioned. Then there's a WASR-10 dremeled to accept a hi-cap mag. Those go for more.


New member
I heard someone else talking about them there, he said they were the single stack, but I still think it'd be a good deal.
Maybe you could take it to a gunsmith and have them open the mag well.


New member
A friend of mine just bought one for $440 so depending on the kind they have, I would say it's a great price.

Note: I haven't figured out what the problem was, but our first range time with it, it jammed up fierce. Probably the magazine. Also, the mag that it came with was really tight and difficult to remove. I'm not sure if I noticed any wobbling though. One more thing, one of the pins I guess wasn't aligned properly and was loose.

I don't know too much about them or AK clones in general cause I don't have any but the above was from a WASR right out of the box. We did choose that particular one as at the time, that one was better than the other ones the guy had on display.


New member
This must be a single stack (I'm glad I was made aware that there is a difference) as the flyer also shows a WASR-10 Double stack for $329.99. So do the single stack have a lot of problems?
Finish is of little concern to me, just looking for a functional gun to have fun with around the farm here.


This must be a single stack (I'm glad I was made aware that there is a difference) as the flyer also shows a WASR-10 Double stack for $329.99. So do the single stack have a lot of problems?
Finish is of little concern to me, just looking for a functional gun to have fun with around the farm here.

Well, it's limited to ten rounds, that's the problem. The price there is also not at all special on the ten-round version.

Sarco has them for $209 normally.


New member
I havent heard of any problems with the single other than the capacity issue, if at all possible spend the 100$ more. Locating 10rd magazines might be a pain also. Good luck


New member
Thank You!

Thank you to all those who replyed to my questions. This is a great place to get input when ya need it!
I'll end by saying I realized from your comments I am an uninformed buyer in the market of Semi auto's. So I decided NOT to buy one. Just one of those times when I need to "pass" on the opportunity. Again, Thanks for the opinions! :)


New member
I agree with everyone else. It's a good price, but who wants a 10 round AK? $329 for the high cap version is also a good price.


New member
They have the worst finish of any AK in existence, and are definitely the lowest rung in terms of economy.

WASR-10 refers to a type of AK 47 and have the shorter barrel of Romanian make. There are a few different companies that produce these. They are NOT all the same.

Century Int'l Arms imports a "GP" type that usually are a lower quality. You cannot lump them all together... it would be like stating all 1911's series 70 are the same.

I bought a WASR-10 in a tactical configuration years ago and it shoots as well as any AK I have ever shot. Never a mis fire and the finish is equal to or better than any AK I have held.


New member
You might look at the Saiga rifles. They are factory new with composite stocks with the same ak style action. Much better finish and supposedly very good rifles.They come in 7.62x39, .223 or .308 and also a shotgun. I think in 12g, 28g and .410. You can get the rifles for less than $300.00. They come with a 10 round mag. but you can buy 30 rounders for it. A store near me sells Saiga rifles for $269.00 to $289.00. The shotguns for about $420.00. If they would have had them when I bought my GP-WASR-10 I probably would have a Saiga instead. But I do love shooting my WASR. The newer models seem to have just a little better fit & finish and Tapco trigger group in them. After some of the negatives I had read about the Century WASR's, mine was a pleasant surprise. Saiga next.


New member
The saigas often don't have bayonet lugs, threaded barrels and hand-to-hand combat capability. This will reduce it's combat effectiveness.


New member

I have a question about CAI since I am in the market for an AK clone. All I've heard are negative things about them such as trained monkeys (haha) but are they really that bad or is it more the type of AK they are modifying, such as Romanian WASRs that may be be low quality to begin with? From what I understand, CAI just imports AKs from all over and doesn't do much assembly/work other than maybe working on mag wells, and installing compliance parts like triggers, etc. They are not listed on AK-47.us as a manufacturer of AKs like Arsenal Inc., Krebs, Vector, Global Trades, Ohio Ord., etc.

What about DCI receivers, and then CAI other parts for compliance? I've mostly heard good things about DCI.

I've been doing an immense amount of reading on everything pertaining to buying an AK clone and am swimming in info. The only thing consistent I hear is to not buy most Romanian types for various reasons. That, and 922r debates questions and debates all over the net.
Everything that has "Century" in it on Auctionarms, Gunbroker, etc. seem to be a little less expensive (I'm not planning on buying anything from Arsenal Inc., Krebs, or Vector at this time) but everyone is asking ridiculous prices now, so I have to know about CAI involvement, specifically the non Romy AK types, like Hungarian for example.

Thanks much!!!!

B. Adams

New member
I have a WASR-10 double-stack that I got, coincidentally, from Dunham's a while ago. It's not a terrible gun, but it's not great either. It shoots reasonably well, and the fit and finish is decent. I refinished the stock, so it looks decent as well. It's really not bad for $300 or so.

That said, I don't really like it, so I'm probably going to sell it pretty soon, but not because it's a bad gun, it's just because it's a cheaper gun than I'd like to have. Any other AK I buy will be a real double stack receiver, not a converted single stack. If I was planning on buying another one of these, I'd just buy the single stack version and dremel out the mag well and convert it myself.

So if you want one, go for it, I can think of worse things to spend $300 on. ;)


That's what I wondered. I intend to use mine for target shooting fun, and it's there for a SHTF emergency. I do not plan to invade any whatever-stans in the baltics or middle east with it. :rolleyes: