S.F. in afganistan could be bad news


New member

I think that dropping Special Forces in right off the bat would be bad news

A. there are 500,000(50,000) land mines still left from the war with russia!!!
we would be using them to find the land mines

B. They would be landing on rocks in extremely HILLY areas. broken bones, lost throughout the hills, and land mines!
It is not an ideal place to jump into!!!

Land mine clearing should be our first objective though
my theory is if you use some sort of concussion explosive you can set off a majority of them...FUEL AIR Bombs would be ideal for this since they would creat great pressures over a large area detonating most if not all of the mines in the general vicinity.
Just a thought. comments welcome


New member
They certainly aren't going to do a HALO jump into a minefield.

The first SF troops into Afghanistan will be specialists in intelligence, training and coordination with native forces. They will go in to establish relationships with groups like the Northern Alliance, assess the capabilities of these groups as well as their willingness to fight on our side, and train them. They will also go in to stealthily do surveillance and gather intelligence on our enemies.


New member
FoxNews just reported that we have received permission from Russia to stage troops in 3 of the "Stans" North of Afghanistan. Khazakistan (sp?) is an independent nation, and they didn't mention it, but Russia is willing to provide us bases on their own soil in prosecuting the war.

Imagine that. Could've knocked me over with a feather. (I suppose that part of their interest is the fact that American troops would bring a boost to local economies. We would also bring internal security to Russian provinces that have known unrest in recent years).

So, we may not be operating out of Afghanistan at all.


New member
Even though we will be operating out of them areas north of Afganastan there are still a boatload of Muslims in that area. Hope they set up our bases with a lot of security in mind. Once we start attacking locations inside Afganastan all the bases in the region will be suseptable to attack from them Islamic folks that think its a holy war. Gonna be like fighting the Viet Cong again just in a different region. Hopefully the Gov will let us do our job like in Desert Shield/Storm. Was nice going into a fight without having one hand tied behind our back.


New member
I would not be surprise to hear that Special Forces are in Afghanistan engaging and liquidating Afghanistan Terrorists as we speak. Hell I think the military inserted SF into Afghanistan within 48 hours after the WTC bombing.

So don’t be surprise to hear it.


in 1831 the finest most modern army of its time invaded afgan and held it until 1843......on the way out 14,000 soldiers passed between a mountain pass.....they were waiting for them there....exactly one british soldier a surgeon walked out alive....I just hope we do it right..the lessons from history should not be forgotten....god bless america..HK out


New member
FWIW about land mines, the numbers that I've seen over and over on the nightly news, or maybe in the Washington Post, are 12 to 14 million.

I think 500,000 is one of the numbers used when they're talking about children with missing legs.



SF has been there since the early 80s, I don't think they ever left. If you know and understand the SF mission, the operators bounce in and out areas, doing real time training.

You all got to remember, we trained the mujahideen. I believe we have many friends in the area, and many of them will fight with us against
bad guys.



New member
There are already SF elements in Afghanistan.

In the news today are reports that the SAS got into a gunfight with the Taleban outside Kabul this morning. No British casualties. I dont think theres any doubt that there are US SF inside Afghanistan as we speak.

The largest concentration of landmines is along the border with Pakistan which is a bit of a bitch considering thats where we plan on going in.