S and B powder


New member
There is very little chance that anyone knows what kind of powder is used in ANY factory rounds. Most often, it's a commercially blended powder and it's changed over time. They brew up loads and tweak the powder to get the pressure they are looking for. The actual powder source likely doesn't have a specific commercial name and may not even be the same powder over time.

By that I mean that if you buy a box of S&B .308 in 2003 and a box of S&B .308 in 2010 and compare the powder, it could be completely different powder.


New member
The powders used by S&B would be European, not recognizable American hand loading powders. Furthermore, most factory loads do not use "canister" powders that are intended for hand loaders. So, if you knew what they used, it would not do you any good anyway. Nevertheless, there are some American powders that are used in factory rounds. Win 296 being one. But those few powders that the companies will admit to are generally not very versatile and generally must be used within more narrow confines than canister powders.


New member
As stated above ... all major manufacturers mix their own powder. In other words ... it would be like you and I mixing IMR4895 & Accurate 2230 to get the pressures and desired burn rate we needed.

Disclaimer: Even though I stated that above ... I wouldn't recommend anyone mix any different powders. It could be very dangerous! I was simply using this as an analogy, and in no way, shape, or form suggested you try it.