rusty guns

old fart

New member
i am having a problem with rust on my handguns and longuns, i keep them in a safe in my bedroom closet. i take them out once a month to clean and reoil, i took them out this morning and a few have rust on them. i have 8 long guns and 2 have rust on the sights, trigger, and side, the rust is speckled on them not bad and it did come off mostly but i can still see a little more. i have 3 handguns and one of them has a rusty ejector, and recoil spring. i did notice that its the guns i have yet to shoot that have rusted but i take them all out about once a month to reoil. i use barricade, and rem oil are they good oils? i keep a humidity gauge in my closet, it stays around 50-60% is that high? do i need to change oil or get a dehumidifier?, thanks for any help.


New member
I use dessicant dryers in my safe and reactivate them every three months. Before I started using those I had a problem with fine rust developing after 60-90 days.


New member
What oil?

I have had very good results with Break Free CLP.

Even a 6 inch deep flood at one end of the basement did not produce any rust.
remoil is terrible in my experience. It only sticks around for a day or two.
I tried CLP at someones suggestion and it has worked very well for me.

GI grease is also good(although I don't think there is actually any really "GI" grease around anymore)
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New member
After cleaning wipe em down with a silicone gun cloth and forget about them.
Works great on stocks too.


New member
50 to 60% is too high of a humidity level. The ideal target is 45 to 49%. Too high and you get rust, too low and the wood grips and stocks can dry out and cracking and or warping can occur. I live in a very humid state (Florida) where it regularly hits 100%. The central air conditioner in the house keeps it right where it should be, thank goodness. I still keep a small humidity monitor in the safe along with a Eva Dry rechargable dehumidifier. As a back up, I also keep a VPCI emitter shield made by Bullfrog in the safe. I haven't had any issues.


New member
You need to track the humidity in the safe itself not just the closet. If you are getting rust you definitely need to add some sort of drying mechanism, either a heater or adsorbent to lower the humidity.


New member
If that closet is on an outside wall it may stay cold for some time after a general warmup. At that time your guns being cold will work as a dehumidifier.

I do not keep any overflow guns in an outside wall closet anymore.


New member
Rusty guns

Here on the central coast of CA we get a lot of rain this time of the year. My safe is in an unheated room with only a short "Goldenrod" inside to control humidity. Don't know if it actually does that but with only an occasional wipedown with a rag sprayed with any of various rust-preventing oils I have never had any problems.

Uncle Buck

New member
If for some reason it is impractical or just not possible for you to put in some kind of dehumidify agent, then get a good quality grease. I have a few safes in my barn with guns in them. They might get shot about once every year. Maybe.

I was using some type of gun grease and ran out while cleaning and checking the guns. I ended up using white lithium grease that I had left over from a job I did a few years ago. It was the only thing I had and I did not want to go to town and get a gun grease. I have not noticed any rust.

I coat a rag really well with the grease, wipe the barrel and run a few patches of the stuff inside the barrel. I can spray the action and chamber area.

When I get ready to use the gun, I will wipe the heavy deposits of grease off the gun and out of the chamber. This does seem to work for me.


New member
In southeast Louisiana humidity and rust go hand-in-hand. But a rechargeable dessicant cartridge and Golden Rod heater keep everything nice and rust free in my gun safe.


New member
I have similar problems with my safe, I use Break-free, and it does work great for external parts. I still have concerns over internal parts though. You can wipe and spray all day and still not hit many internal parts.

I dont have an easy answer, but when I see a fleck or two of rust on the outside of a gun, I panic thinking of what could be rusting on the inside.


New member
If you're having problems with humidity and rust, just show the guns a bit more attention. Take them out and wipe them down with a bit of oil. Better yet, take them out and shoot them, then clean and oil.

A little attention goes a long way. Heck, you paid good money for those things, take them out and enjoy them. :)


New member
Golden Rod in mine also. The safe has been in various parts of the house and garage. I use Eezox after shooting the gun and always take care to wipe down all metal after handling. 20+ years and in some cases certain guns in the back not touched for 5 + years. Never any rust.