Rusting P-11... swap with parkerized or chrome?


New member
I have a Kel-Tec P-11 that is rusting. I've tried coating it with oils and breakfree, but it continues to rust. I'm sending it to Kel-Tec for a slide/barrel swap. I am wondering how much more rust resistant the hard chrome finish is than the parkerized. I'd prefer to keep it all black, but if the parkerized finish will rust, I'd rather go with chrome.

So, any experience with the parkerized finish? Just how much more corrosion resistant is it than the regular blued finish? How much less corrosion resistant than hard chrome?

I did a search on this topic, but found no definitive answers or opinions on this specific subject.



New member
I checked out the Mac's Restoration page:
It sounds like a tough finish. Maybe it's just the pictures, but the black finish doesn't really look black. Did you get a black finish and if so, what does it really look like in person?

On the color chart page, the gloss black looks a lot blacker than the standard black (at least on my screen).


New member
JMax has a good suggestion - get it nickel plated by Jack Fuselier. The finish is very durable (he did my P-11 and one of my P-32s) and he does good work.
Nice thing is that he plates YOUR slide vs. Kel-Tec swapping your slide for a chrome or parkerized one.


New member
Thanks for the comments. One other reason I wanted to send it to Kel-Tec for the slide swap is that I'm not 100% pleased with the slide/barrel anyway. I had a few problems during the break-in and I wouln't mind taking my chances with another slide/barrel. I also told Kel-Tec about my problem with one of the magazines causing the 8th round to jam. They said to send the mag in and they would replace it.

I've decided to go with the hard chrome. My chromed P-32 has had no rust problems whatsoever. I just prefer guns that are all one color to 2-tone guns. (although I do have 2 (soon to be 3) two tones in my collection).

Thanks again.


New member
Hard chrome is cool but if you really like all black don`t be affraid of parkerizing. I`ve been carrying my relatively early parkerized P-11 almost daily for quite a few years plus putting over 8000rds. through it and it doesn`t have a spec of rust on it. I don`t exactly pamper it either. I carry it IWB with the belt clip,sweat all over it and only clean/oil it after range sessions. Other than that I just blow the dust/lint off/out of it from time to time. Oddly even where the finish has work through on some of the edges it still refuses to rust there. I`ve had stainless guns that rusted much more easily. Marcus


New member
The nice thing about the hard chrome is Keltec will do it for $20, hard to beat the price. Since the slide isn't a "gun", you can also send it nice and cheap via ground or priority mail.