
The Gooch

New member

I just scored a really good deal on two rifles. I got an SKS and Ruger 10/22 for 175.00 dollars. Love it! Both rifles have a little rust on the barrels what is a good way to remove rust from a rifle. On my m-16 I always use the bore brush and elbow grease, But I do not want to F#$k my rifles finish.

A little help here?



A little rust can sometimes disappear with a silicone cloth or an old sock and a shot of WD40. If these are shooyters, that may be a good enough solution.


New member
Try rubbing with 0000 steel wool wet with WD-40 or a light oil. You can go up to 000 steel wool (or coarser) if you like, but beware that the coarser you use, the more likely to remove finish.


New member
Soak the rust spots with WD-40 or kerosene or the like and then gently scrape the rust spots off with a new razor blade. Works great because the blade only catches on the rust spots and doesn't touch the blue.