Rust removal


New member
What is the best way to remove rust from an old gun without damaging anything? I'm hesitant to use the Naval Jelly in the garage for fear of doing more harm than good.
Thanks for any tips.


New member
What kind of gun?

Start with a toothbrush and Breakfree CLP and work on it a bit each day for a couple of days. If it's really dirty, use mineral spirits or paint thinner first. Wear gloves.


New member
For blued, stainless, nickeled or annodized aluminum guns: use Breakfree CLP. For the really tough spots use Flitz Metal Polish. That'll do the trick.


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very very gently, on a soft damp cloth. Rub hard and it will remove the blue.

Also good for preventing rust cavities.


New member
I've found that coating the surface with CLP,leaving it overnight and then brushing with a nylon brush will remove most light surface rust, without harming the finish, in about 20 minutes


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first thing you do (BEFORE adding any oil) is to use the eraser on top of a pencil... LIGHT strokes... you can do it with heavy ones, but can rub away more than you need to...

lotsa light strokes with the pencil eraser... THEN a nylon brush (toothbrush) and CLP... then a soft cloth... then a touch up blue pen, or some cold bluing compound CAREFULLY...

then lots more oil...


New member
Agree with Blades......Break Free first...keep it wet...brush gently...give it a couple days.

If that fails, then go to abrasives like erasor or toothpaste etc.



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I have found that Hoppes #9 & 0000 steel wool work pretty well on the heavier rust on used guns I have bought. But be very light handed with the steel wool & you will have to touch up the bluing even then, if there is much rust.


New member
You can use an old penny to remove stubborn rust with out damaging your finish too much, at least compared to steel wool. I'd try CLP and nylon brushes first.


New member
Fellow TFLers,

I recently found rust spots under the grips of one of my stainless revolvers (640). Admittedly, I never oil under grips during regular cleaning, which I assume I should be doing to prevent possible rust there. The rust specks probably developed relatively suddenly as I change the grips on this revolver maybe once a month or so, and didn't notice rust during the last grip swap.

The rust started out as orange-ish, but turned black-ish after applying liberal amounts of Breakfree CLP. Wiping the area removed most of the rust...however, dark black/grey specks still remained. Did this for about 2-3 days.

I then tried using a nylon brush with CLP to try to remove the dark areas. A bit more of the stuff came off, but there was still darkish specks to be found.

I finally took some fine steel wool and CLP and tried to remove the remaining dark spots. A bit more came off but there continues to be a little bit of dark-ish specks. Definitely not as noticeable, but still present.

My question is, what is my goal? Should I be trying to make it appear as if rust never existed there? Or should I expect that those dark-ish specks will be there for good? My main concern is to stop the spreading of rust (i.e., functionally okay, appearance not important...well, less important :)).

Thanks in advance for any advice!


New member
In the rusting process, some of the metal has been chemically reacted (as evident from the loosness snd color of the rust spots). When you remove this rust, the reacted metal goes with it. As a result you'll have a cleaned surfaced that has had some of its material removed (through rusting). This will show up as dark or discolored spots. They will be there forever.

Unless, you buff them out and/or refinish the surface. Meaning material will be removed by an abrasive and/or you coat over it. By using the fine steel wool you've tried this and some of the spots cleaned of rust were starting to be buffed out.

"My main concern is to stop the spreading of rust (i.e., functionally okay, appearance not important...well, less important )."

It sounds like what you've done so far has covered this. Just keep it from happening again.