Russian 7.62x39 now .33/rd.: "Gunbot"

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This was ten minutes ago. It has dropped a bit in the last week.

:)5.45x39 is .18/round now, at Widener's: spam can.
That's what it said one minute ago. This is hard to believe!
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After being curious about it a week ago, that's my impression, but could be wrong.
The main surprise was that so retail places sell it during this flipper-induced, so-called shortage.

I've always kept my x39 supply over 2,000 rds. In '09 it was 5,000 rds.
But it can go below 2,000 just to avoid paying these prices.


New member
yeah i shoot 5.45 I was kinda irritated in the price spike on wolf and spam cans. Silver bear was all gone. hopefully they'll come down back to fair prices.

the rifleer

New member
ya, I actually saw some .223 for .40 cents a shot, but obviously it sold out instantly. It is coming down. Walmart has actually had some ammo on the shelf, which is nice.

lee n. field

New member
Russian 7.62x39 now .33/rd.: "Gunbot"
This was ten minutes ago. It has dropped a bit in the last week.

When available, I've been paying 5.99/20 at Walmart. $,30/round.

Walmart counter guy told me they have less trouble getting 7.62x39 than anything else.


New member
gunbot for March

Over the last month there has been a slight downward trend on the 5.56/.223 prices also. Also the list of stocking vendors is slowly growing.

Over the same period, 5.56x39 has shown up at that price several times. One of the local stores has a good supply of that and 7.62x54r in spam cans. They did not sell out of those. change that I have noticed. .45acp and 357 Sig are both showing up for better prices over that same time period. The list of vendors for the latter have been growing, but no noticeable change on 9mm.

.380 auto and 9x18 mak have occasionally been available.

Was cracking jokes about 22lr "golden bricks", aka 525 round bricks for $100. That seems to have been optimistic. :eek: Better to save dollars than buy 22lr ammo, even at current effectively negative interest rates.

TX Hunter

New member
I am concerned about the future prices of this cartridge with the UN Arms treaty being accepted yesterday. It has not been ratified yet, but I wonder how it will impact the availability and price of the surplus and foreighn Amunition.


Active member
Supplies of 7.62 x 39 surplus ammunition (as well as .308 and 5.56) dried up a long time ago. The lack of surplus ammo supplies hasn't had any real impact on the present ammo shortage.

TX Hunter

New member
I cant understand how the Surplus 7.62X39 , 7.62X51 (.308 Winchester) and 5.56X45 (.223 Remington) could have dried up when they are all still in active service all over the World. I was really refering to inexpensive import ammo from Russia , Mexico, and Serbia. IE Wolf, Tula , Brown Bear, Aquila, Privi Partison ECT.

chris in va

New member
I bet the Tula ammo company beancounters would cringe if they knew how much their product was getting marked up in the States. Wouldn't surprise me if the real MSRP was about .05 each.
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