Russian 7.62x39 ammo prices firm until what type of event?

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It would be interesting to anticipate what sort of future US bans would (indirectly) suddenly increase demand for Russian ammo, or would the US govt. need to specifically mention Russian ammo to generate an actual reaction here?

After the tragic loss of life on board the civilian Malaysian jet due to an SA-3 or other SAMs manufactured in and supplied by Russia, maybe anything is possible.


New member
Did they mention ammo in the ban? I didn't read that part.
If not, I don't expect much movement on prices due to that. And yes they have to specifically identify what Customs guys will stop: AK-47 from xyz or any Russian supplier.
Or even All products from Russia.
Correct. The new Exec. Order says Nothing about ammo.

Many of us simply want to anticipate, as a minimum, what is the lowest-profile message among future White House or Congressional press conferences (if we decide to stand up more to Russia) which could create the public Perception of a shortage, or possible Russian ammo ban being discussed.


New member
I would be more concerned with gas supplies from Russia to Europe, an area warming up in the speculative financial / futures market, as a side effect or opportunity.
Europe has the biggest dog in this fight and most to lose, the US is really a distant second, with low credibility particularly with an 0 and 3 record in major issues the current US administration has vs. Putin. Other than show measures, the US will do little that is material.
I'd even bet that ammo hoarding will continue to lessen as supply meets demand, possible with a slight reduction in market 7.62x39 pricing.

Time will tell.


New member
dear god are people losing their minds? this is not a political forum nor does it do any good to conjecture over future bans. who russia shoots down is their business, the US isn't going to hurt the russian government by banning civilian ammunition. the banning of russian AKs has nothing to do with what happened to yet another missing Malaysian airlines jet, it is something that obama has likely been planning for months or even years. it is the second illegal executive order(IE an importation ban without the approval of congress, an illegal act and an order with the commander in chief is not allowed to make to civilian organizations).

this topic is pointless and is only fanning the flames of yet another panic buying bubble.
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