Rush comes clean


New member

The way I feel is this: I feel liberated, and I'm going to tell you as plainly as I can why. I no longer am going to have to carry the water for people who I don't think deserve having their water carried. Now, you might say, "Well, why have you been doing it?" Because the stakes are high! Even though the Republican Party let us down, to me they represent a far better future for my beliefs and therefore the country's than the Democrat Party does and liberalism.
You see? He's been screwing with your head because he believes that it's more important to defeat Democrats than it is to embrace Conservativism. As a result, he helped blind you to the very real problems that have cropped up.

He goes on to expand the point...

There hasn't been in the ideology in the Republican Party, any conservatism for at least two to maybe four years. You could argue Bush was more of an ideologue in the presidential campaign of '04, but in looking at what happened yesterday, it wasn't conservatism that lost. Conservatism won when it ran as a Democrat. It won in a number of places. Republicanism lost. RINO Republicans, country club blue-blood Republicans, this nonpartisan Republican identity, that's what went down in flames.

I've been telling you this for how long now? And while we're at it, same goes for Coulter, Hannity, and all the rest.
They have been selling you a load of garbage in order to keep you from voting Democrat. They wanted to delude you into thinking everything was just peachy. Many of you were more than happy to play along although you knew in your hearts things were not going well. They even went so far as to start slanting your news coverage! Many of you failed to see through this and look for your own answers. What's worse is that your party leadership began believing their own propaganda to the point that the president was absolutely stunned at what happened Tuesday night!

My advice: Tune them out and start building a party that reflects Conservativism again.
This election was a wake up call. It's time to stop accepting talking points as fact. It's time to stop parroting the party line. It's time to start asking tough questions and demanding answers. It's time to start dissenting when you disagree.
This is a golden opportunity for all you *true* Conservatives. Get to work and reclaim your party.


New member
you do realize that conservatives - including most conservative commentators - being vocally displeased with the RNC is not exactly new?


New member
:rolleyes: The daily GoSlash blog at TFL. Maybe Rich can create a separate forum section just for you.
Some people simply talk too much.


New member
As a lifelong Republican who strongly dislikes Rush Limbaugh I have to agree, I have not left the Repiblican Party, the Republican Party has left me. If there was a viable alternative, I just might jump ship. I really no longer consider myself Republican but instead, a conservative, constitutionalist American and not a member of the Conservative Party.


New member
They have been selling you a load of garbage in order to keep you from voting Democrat.

They don't need to. You couldn't *pay* me to vote democrat. If I don't like the republican or independent candidate, I simple decline to vote in that race. But there is no way in hell I could vote to increase the power of Pelosi or Clinton.


New member
Hannity spouted the same line as Rush, of course I expected it. Listenning to them for weeks trying to get out the vote for the Republicans with the only thing the could say being "Do you want Nancy Pelosi" in charge was comical.

I voted on the Conservative and Libertarian lines on Tuesday. Since I live in New York it didn't really matter where I voted but I at least wanted the Libertarians to register some votes to stay on the ballot. I also wanted the Republicans to see that I was NOT voting for Republicans, but only those that had been endorsed by the Conservative Party.


New member
As a lifelong Republican who strongly dislikes Rush Limbaugh I have to agree, I have not left the Repiblican Party, the Republican Party has left me. If there was a viable alternative, I just might jump ship. I really no longer consider myself Republican but instead, a conservative, constitutionalist American and not a member of the Conservative Party.

For the most part they were as bad as the Dem's in not having an agenda or purpose for us to identify with. The "vote for me because I'm not the other guy" mentality does little to garner support beyond those who would vote that way anyway. The Dem's don't have a plan or platform beyond being opposite the Republicans either but they did have a firebrand to target, the President and the War. No issues to build the society with but issues to degrade it and tear the national morale down by being negative and sour.


Like the Republican party, I like a small portion of Rush in small doses. Some of his ideas are too far out there just like some of the far right's. And I think that more than anything is damaging. I think in his comments he is just showing the frustration that most of us have for the RNC being a ship in the water without a rudder or sails this time around. No direction, no focus, no apparent determination at all in this whole run up to the election.


New member
"They have been selling you a load of garbage in order to keep you from voting Democrat. "

Fair enough, but in order for me to vote for any Democratic candidate, that candidate will, at the very least, have to state, in plain, unambiguous language, what his/her views on guns and gun rights are, and those views will have to align with mine. I also will never vote for a tax-and-spend Democrat regardless of his opinion of guns.



New member
Folks like Rush have a number one priority which is making the ratings big so the $$$ are big. If he can squeeze his political stuff in that's gravy. I still feel that his allegiance is to $$$ first and foremost. That's the way it is with all talking heads so its good for them to stir the drama pot.


Rush is a comedian IMO, and the joke is on the people that listen to him. He comes up with good idea now and again what I've heard but so what. Who cares what a political comedian/entertainer thinks? not me. I shake my head in disbelief that folks spend hours daily listening to it.
Hannity is as bad or worse he can only see one side of the isle even when it's completely wrong.
OBTW I am basicly republican but very unhappy with them.


New member
The republican party screwed the pooch - democrats thumped them. Give credit where credit is due.

Get over it. - life goes on.


Glenn E. Meyer

New member
You mean he isn't real - like Wrestling?

I once was listening to the country western radio station and two DJs who sounded like the Deliverance boys were talking. One said to the other - Hey, didn't you work for the Classical PBS outlet? The other said - Yes - and then his voiced morphed into this cultured English accent discussing some symphany by Crapcakeorski.


At least, he's honest about his need for Viagra - oh, wait! :p


New member
Being a Libertarian leaning Conservative, I never was a really big fan of the 'Pubs, even though I've been voting for them for many years on a consistent basis.

It isn't that I love the 'Pubs so much. I don't. It isn't that I march lockstep with them, in accordance with their entire platform. Nothing of the sort.

It is because the alternatives are even worse.

As distasteful as I find the 'Pubs, I find the Dems to be that much worse. And the other, 3rd party bit players haven't proven themselves viable.

Hence, the 'Pubs have been getting my vote by default.

Nothing Rush said was anything new to me. The 'Pubs had violated the trust of the electorate and especially their base, and as such deserved to loose. It is just sad that they had to loose to such a negative party like the Dems.


Lie and be dishonest because the stakes are high! Brilliant!

I've gone drinking with one of Savage's writers while in 'Frisco (His persona is about as real as Larry the Cable Guy) and even they don't manage to come up with stuff this good.


New member
It's time to stop accepting talking points as fact. It's time to stop parroting the party line. It's time to start asking tough questions and demanding answers. It's time to start dissenting when you disagree.

Too bad those of us that have been doing this from the start have been labeled "Left-wing, liberal, america-hating, unpatriotic, !@#$@%#$%"

"It's time to start dissenting when you disagree"

If you're just getting this now...well, I don't even know what to tell ya. (Where's the smiley smacking his head on the brickwall when you need it?)

And I happen to love Crapcakeorski. Very soothing.

Gary Conner

New member
What Rush doesn't get...

I've listened to Rush daily for about twelve years. I agree with a great deal of his statements, and have disagreed with many over the years.

However, what Rush does not get, and has been covering up for years, is almost comical. Many have attempted to discuss the globalization movement, or as some describe it, the "New World Order" movement of a one world government.

Despite such evidence as the "North American Partnership" web site (info available at and NAFTA, and the Council on Foreign Relations web site talkling about the need for a one world government, and the fact that many of the members are Bush's cabinet members (pick an administration) he still ignores this evidence, and dismisses anyone who mentions it as a tin foil hat wearing nut.

Rush spent more time discussing the Vince Foster, Fort Marcy Park suicide/murder conspiracy on one day than he has devoted to even making an attempt to listen to anyone offering evidence of what the government now ADMITS they are doing (on their own web site) announcing the "North American Partnership" Agreement.

If it deals with the Clinton's, it is an "interesting factoid" but if someone tries to discuss the "North American Partnership" illegal treaty, you won't even get on the air, and there is no way in the world that he will allow someone to bring up the Military Commissions Act in conjunction with the "John Warner Defense Authorization" Act, and will claim he doesn't know about it, or hasn't read it, so obviously it can't be factual.

I like him, but his attempts to act as if he doesn't know about the NAP or the attempts it makes to establish what it says it does, can be infuriating.


New member
I'm not just "getting this now". I've been saying it for years ("some people talk too much"). But I'll tell ya, there's plenty of folks around here that are finally beginning to take heed.

The answer doesn't have to be a choice between the RNC as it exists and the DNC as it exists. That's my whole point; it's rebuilding time and for the first time you have the chance to reclaim your party from the corrupt politicians who ran it off the rails.
Who can't see through this????

C'mon...seriously...who can't see through this. All the major talking heads are doing the same thing now. This is just damage control by the far right. They are trying to save the credibility of their highest paid and most visible mouth pieces.

Guys like Rush and Hannity are now in fear of becoming inaffective due to the rejection the far right just recieved from the people of America. So now they are trying to recreate themselves (at the instruction of their masters) as true conservatives so that people will still listen to what they have to say.

The far right has too much time and money tied up in these guys to allow them to go down with the ship.

None of these charactes give a crap about what stance they are taking. They say exactely what they are told when they are told for a big fat paycheck and fame.