Running out of time.


New member
My time in Alaska will soon be coming to a close. I am going to miss hunting here... or attempting to hunt haha. I have learned a lot and am getting pretty good at small game but Large game still eludes me. I went out today with my .22 and got some squirrels for dinner. Alaska has a good sense of humor because when I went bear hunting I got a squirrel and today with my .22 I saw a very large black bear. I only see them when I don't have my larger rifles :confused:. I was kicking myself for not at least putting my 30-06 in the truck but then I realized fall bear isn't usually eaten so I probably would not have take the shot anyway.

I didn't take as much pictures as I usually do but I am going to miss this landscape.


I spent about 20 minutes around a tree that I kept hearing a squirrel in but could not see. He was in a hole near the top and finally in desperation I threw a rock up there and he scurried out to my shock.

He ended up BBQ...


The other one was on a stump near my truck when I was packing up. I am starting to really enjoy small game meat and am getting the cooking down pretty good. Slower and longer seems to be the best since I want it very well cooked but not tough. These guys ended up in a Ronco set it and forget it rotisserie for a while :D.