run-in with a communist..

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New member
Well I was on my way to the on-campus sub shop here on campus and was walking alone minding my own business when this guy handing out free "pamphlets" comes up to me and asks me if I'd like a copy of "Voice of the Revolution" (a communist publication). I told him he was a God-Da** communist and was walking away when he said, "Yes I am and proud of it." I yelled back that he was ruining America. I was sooo mad.. :mad: :mad: :mad:

I can't wait to get out of academia. This is the kind of crap that goes on on college campuse. The wacko left organizations thrive on campus and indoctrinate the innocent.

:mad: :mad:

Thanks for listening to my rant...


New member
I love communists. They're so incredibly easy to out-argue -- meeting a communist is like getting a tiny little mental snack. It's all good.

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
They used to bother me but not anymore. I don't mind clearly labeled threats, it's the "Republican Public Safety Committee" and even less clearly defined critters that bother me. Much easier to discredit Commies than to explain how "United Kitten Lovers of America" are really out to get us.


New member
Commies are easy, unless they have actual power. Then they're dangerous.

When I was an undergrad, a bunch of Chinese men came into the student union building and started passing out large (newspaper-size) photos of Chairman Mao, with many of his sayings reproduced across the bottom. Used a lot of words like running dogs, imperialist lackeys, paper tiger, etc. It read like a Saturday Night Live skit, but these people were SERIOUS.

Before their rounds were complete, these pix were, shall we say, embellished, and posted prominently all over. Upset them to no end. (They'd made a mistake, coming to a campus where the only political organization was "Tech Students for Reagan." :D )

Commies can't deal with ridicule and laughter.


New member

It's not that he's hurting anyone, it's just that I'm sick and tired of the lefts agenda being shoved in my face. My encounter with him was sort of a breaking point for all the leftist crap I get bombarded with all day here in the PRNYS.

My undergraduate institution was a nice conservative engineering school, then I made the mistake of going to a large state school for grad studies.

Oleg's right, at least they're a clear threat. I just wasn't in the mood to be accosted today on the way to lunch. (Don't get in the way of a hungry Greek) :)

As for being easy to argue with, I don't know about that. I spent two hours arguing with a liberal arts major after a graduate student association meeting. This guy believed in taking away all guns from people, free health care, free college and graduate education, etc. He was nuts. I have another liberal friend who called Ayn Rand a "Nazi". I asked her twice (by e-mail) why Ayn Rand was a nazi and she just ignored the question. These people are indoctrinated to the point where their brain is switched off and they just repeat what was input. Many of them can't see obvious contradiction in their arguements and instead of turning on their brains when they run into one, they just ignore you or get all huffy or call you a nazi. I'm tired of trying to argue with them. I just want to go to a far away peaceful place where we can all live our lives without government and the sycophants it breeds. Sort of like Galts Gulch in Atlas Shrugged.


New member
It bothers me when this communist runs for office as a democrat, and then promotes socialist ideologies. That's when they become dangerous.


New member
oh, when..

...I was at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo this past fall, just before I decided to transfer (this incident had nothign to do with it) I was walking back to the barracks...I mean, dorm, and a pretty young blonde girl in a tight shirt and short shorts handed me a little pamphlet. As I took it from her, a little red object dropped out and onto the ground. I didn't know what it was, until I crouched down to look at it.

It was a bright red condom, in a shiny plastic wrapper. THe pamphlet was from a group of Western students crying about overpopulation. I picked the rubber up, and looked at the young lady through my sunglasses, saying only, "A condom...cute...". Now, there were a MILLION other things I could've said that would've satisfied my smart-@$$ed philosophy, but I was in Liberal Country and didn't want to get slapped, kicked in the nether regions, sprayed with pepper spray, arrested, or, worst of all, sued for sexual harrassment (I mean, you can't squeeze blood from a turnip!), so I let it go.

WMU is an insane place. But at least there isn't four feet of snow on the ground down there.

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
I would have asked if she had herself spayed yet...or if she was only trying to keep others from breeding, the Chinese Communist fashion.


New member
HankB: Was that Georgia Tech? My alma mater.

It's interesting how logical, analytical engineer and scientist types tend to be conservative/libertarian/pro-RKBA, while the so-called "liberal arts" majors, who tend to deal in a very subjective world with lots of "feelings" instead of true analytical thought, tend to be leftist Statists.


New member
Communists should be allowed to say anything they want. Not because of free speech issues (which is sufficient in and of itself) but because of the entertainment value. I say keep them public and visible and in full communication with the world. . . so that we never forget what freedom is about.

Might consider getting some NRA pamphlets. Then when the pinko offers you a hand out, you can respond, "Sure enough Bub! Tell you what, I'll read your piece if you and I can sit here and talk about the Second Amendment to the Constitution. I am into individual responsibility and am deeply suspicious of any gov't that seeks to avoid personal responsibility for anything in general and the right personal defense in particular."

Many a fond hour can be spent (wasted) in playing with these people.

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus

That's why I hang around programmers at work and elsewhere. People who know how the world works tend to be on our side...though I can think of some exceptions.


They used to bother me but not anymore. I don't mind clearly labeled threats, it's the "Republican Public Safety Committee" and even less clearly defined critters that bother me. Much easier to discredit Commies than to explain how "United Kitten Lovers of America" are really out to get us.------

Soooo were gonna leave out the Republican national committee?

Well said Chaingun this is why its so nice to have spineless cowards speaking and representing america that will say that we were given a democracy not a republic and to 'lead' us to making friends and signing treaties with socialist and communist nations.
Socialist thinking is the mainstrean thinking and philosophy of our media to me no doubt and its simply a matter of time till we all wise up to how much and even more
'global' socialist government would benefit us and the whole world.
I mean dont you want a global tax to take care of the children ,dont you trust your rep to send your tax dollars to the needy?

We have so long ago on a national/political scale viewing communists and socialists as an enemy and instead started viewing them as 'friends' and an easy way to cheaply make our consumable/disposable goods.
For example Communist China is the backbone of retail america.
Or in other words politically we have long since invited the activists of socialists/communist propaganda to america
and paid their way here to do spread that message.
Where was the outrage when Clinton was in Vietnam treating the commie's their like good neighbors wearing their clothing
where is the outrage that a nation whose army tortured more americans than any other owns a good portion of our country
dominates our electronics market and designs and manufactures over atleast 30% of the auto's we drive
but all is fair in a great capitalist society I suppose.

Our 'elected' reprasenatives will never as a group stand up to such facism especially in its adolescent stages their hands have been in its cookie jar for far too long
but the scary part is that american citizens as a whole
will likely never have the spine to force them to.
A great many 'americans' are immigratns happy with the differences of our country compared to theirs and cannot see for a second even if you slapped them with the last 1.000 regulations passed by congress how our country is steadily working to mimick theirs.
Another great portion of americans is concerned about an equality that they will never attain with greedy politicians in power who will use such groups zeal to further their own political agenda's.
And much of conservative america is too lazy or satisfied in their plush condo's to notice that their tax have been supporting a liberal socialist loving media for more years than theyve been alive.
Hmm and I thought I had a point to make....
dang flashbacks.

Here and their Ive seen stickers like
'Im sick of the liberal media' and
'dont beleive the liberal media'.
Their are some guts of steel and a brother speaking out.


I don't know about that 'liberal arts students are all bent to the left' stuff.

I went to USM (Univ. Southern Miss. GO EAGLES!!!) and graduated with a BS in Poli Sci and a minor in Philosophy. I'm pretty far to the right. Before transferring to USM, I went to Lander College (it's not a D#mn university!!!!) in SC. It was a VERY liberal college. I think it has more to do with WHAT is taught than anything else. USM was more traditional (greek and roman philosophy,classical literature, etc.), Lander was not (nothing comperable---they were all hung up on the modern deconstructionalist stuff). A liberal arts education has to be complete, not just modern thought. It's kind of like engineering without the math. Paschal's Wager? The guys at Lander thought it had something to do with gambling....

Bam Bam

New member
Folks, as soon as I saw the thread title and ID of the poster I said to myself "Self, I'll bet DS1973 was walking through the Student Union at the University of B. and that Stalinist idiot, Dino, was handing out fliers." Dino is indeed a communist who has often bespoke these golden words to me "Historians often overlook the good things that Stalin did." Dino, you see, is a professional student and son of a math professor of said university. The father, never having had a real job, so went the son.

And indeedly-doodly neighbor, so I would wager. U of B is the home of such wonderful enlightened elite revolutionaries as the "Marxist-Leninist Discussion Group" which advocates boycotting elections because elections "serve to perpetuate the power elite". A shame no one read the posters because someone, someone, who could it have been? Tore them all down. In all probability it was some censorious capitalist right-wing conspirator whose intials are...AA.

DS, you have my sympathy, endure my friend, this too will pass. Heed not the canaille of the Student Union. Wretches all, and denizens of the Rotten Apple, they shall be humbled when the University and city are populated by the blind leading the blind.

PS Is Generation magazine still fit only for toilet paper?


New member
JimR: Nope, not Georgia Tech - a bit further North: Illinois Institute of Technology, a small island of sanity in Mayor Daley's Chicago.

You're right about liberal arts majors generally being statist left wingers, but, sad to say, I've run into some people educated in the sciences who have a distinct liberal bent. (Hmmm, come to think of it, they seem to be mostly chemists, or from MA, NY, or CA . . . could it be something in the water, or does it come from inhaling too many fumes in the lab?)
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