Ruger's on a ROLL! New .357 Redhawks


New member

The Ruger Redhawk .357 line keeps getting bigger. Now being offered with 4.2 and 5.5 inch barrel lengths.

I had said if Ruger made the .357 Redhawk with a longer barrel, I would get one, but since Ruger came out with 7 shot GP100's, I'm going with those, but I don't think one can go wrong with either.


New member
Well I just picked up a 4 inch GP100 a little while ago. Wish I'd a known then. I woulda waited. Better start another change jar. That 5 1/2" will hopefully make it into my gun safe some day.


New member
Just when I thought my revolver collection was more/less complete, Ruger pulls something like this.

5.5" or 4.2", now that is the question........thoughts? (I am leaning toward the 5.5").