Ruger's New Backup to the Backup Gun


New member
It has virtually no report, so to avoid paying an NFA tax as the owner of a silenced gun, I am required to shout "Bang!" at a minimum of 82dB each time I squeeze off a shot.


Very creative.


New member
I'm confused, what purpose will this back up have? I think I would prefer a .22 instead as a backup's, backup...:D


New member
That's fantastic! Where do I fill out the pre-order for my pre-order's pre-order?! (I'm assuming a Ruger that small will sell like condoms to a parade of prostitutes.


New member
Just heard the Justice Department is placing it on the banned Assault Weapons list because the FDA says a child could swallow this. This information was supplied to them by the Brady Bunch via a hacked E-mail. This is how the Justice Department became involved, investigating hackers. Seems Wal-Mart had many on order for Christmas sales and a local greenie saw the order and notifed the Sierra Club.Spad