
New member
i know this is the firing line, but i know some here visit the ruger forum. does anyone know the administrator or can someone contact them for me? i've been trying to join there.....but my attempt to register failed and now my email address is blocked. i've emailed the administrator of the site, but only get computer generated responses. i can't post a question about registering until i register...catch 22. i'd appreciate the help if anyone can. thanks chris


New member
I received a reply from the Adminstrator and this is what he had to say. I hope this helps you.
Please share with them that Ruger Forum blocks many of the "free" e mail services like Yahoo and Hotmail and a few others. The reason is the fact that so much "spam and porn" originates from those servers.

If the folks can register using a local e mail address we can then change their registration e mail to whatever they want.


New member
I tried to register with a year or so back, but couldn't do it and finally gave up.

I've been registered on for several years, and have never had a problem.



New member
I tried just the other day to register on another forum only to be blocked from registration because of my aol email address. They say they only want paid email address; comcast would be a good example. However, I pay for my aol service.


New member
Same here. I sent an email to an admin and the reply was that they don't allow folks to register with yahoo or hotmail email addresses. Too much trouble. I just joined instead. Very nice folks there, but much lower traffic. That & TFL are my gun fora now. THR is a bit too high volume and high controversy for me.


New member
Been a RF member for years now and eys while some e-mail servers aren't accepted, we don't have the issues others do with spam and promblem ppl selling thier wares that's totally unrelated to forum interests. May irk some but it keeps the riff-raff out. There's no better site for getting your Ruger questions answered or Ruger problems solved.
Guess if paying for a e-mail provider is too much, the inquiries can't be that important is how I feel about it. :eek:


New member
i have two email and yahoo. both were rejected. they are the only email accounts i have, and have had for years. i belong to many forums that have accepted this one. i'm not gonna jump thru hoops......i'll look for another site. but thanks guys for the help.



New member
I'm a member there. I just don't go often. The site I wanted to join was Usual Suspects Networks Forum (USN) which I understand is a knife forum. A lot of custom knife guys there as I understand it.


New member
I can understand why they block free e-mail accts. We had to block Gmail accts at the FN Forum. Too many spambots getting thru with Gmail accts. They get past the Image verification, and even with e-mail verification, they get in.


New member
I really don't understand what the big deal is. If you have an internet service provider (ISP) you have a permanent e-mail address. This is the address that should be used. If you have more than one user on your ISP you should see about getting additional e-mail accounts. I can see if sonny doesn't want daddy reading his mail, but you need to use daddy's ISP e-mail to get registered. Then you can add or change your preferences in your profile for folks to contact you. No big deal, right?!?!?