Ruger Toklat cylinder play

Deaf Smith

New member
I have a Ruger Toklat .454 and the cylinder very slightly can be rocked a bit at full cock.

Yes, I know a slight amount of play in the cylinder is ok but I'm a purist. I prefer zero-zero lockup on my revolvers. So, would a new cylinder latch or paw/hand tighten the cylinder play?

And does the GP100 use the same cylinder latch and/or paw(hand?)




You need to check cylinder play with the trigger pulled and held down.

That is when and how the gun will fire, not when the hammer is cocked back. :rolleyes:

Deaf Smith

New member
Well I did that last night guys. 3 chambers are ok, two have just a tiny play with the cylinder rocking to each side as the cylinder is turned.

No, no end shake, nor crane shake, just cylinder play.

I think, but not sure, Ruger GP100 hand a cylinder stop are the same as the Ruger Super Redhawk.
