Ruger SR9c Issues


New member
Ok, maybe all of the praise I've given my SR9c on here has been premature. Here we go:

First 200-300 rounds were great. Then I started having an issue I was calling light primer strikes, but I suspect may not have been. At any rate, I'd fire the gun, and the trigger wouldn't move all the way forward. I'd look at the round which was in the chamber and it had a very light primer striker on it. I re-chambered the next round and it would fire. The light-striked round would fire on the next try.

I cleaned the gun thoroughly, and cleaned out the striker channel as well. It was filled with some thick clear gunk from the factory. Replaced it bone dry and clean. Also removed the magazine disconnect.

Took it back to the range, with the same kind of ammo. First shot went off, then the trigger didn't reset all the way, just like before. This time, I pulled the slide back just a hair to reset the trigger, and it fired fine. Fired about 15 rounds, had to manually reset the trigger on more than half of them. Now I'm thinking its not a light strike, its that the trigger isn't resetting for some reason.

Had no other failures, all cases ejected, all rounds fed into the chamber. Just the trigger not resetting.

I've done some research and the only solution I've found which I haven't tried is replacing the trigger bar with a ghost drop-in, but I'd rather not do that.

I know some people have had trouble with 17 round mags but not 10. Both of my magazines are 10 rounders, and the problem happens with both.

UPDATE: Took it back to the range after thoroughly cleaning and lubricating it. Same problem with BOTH magazines. Ammo was Federal American Eagle 115gr, but I also put through 10 rounds of my carry ammo, Winchester PDX-1 147gr. Rounds 6, 8, and 9, the trigger did not reset. I was able to go through American Eagle and my carry ammo with no problems before this started.

I'll contact Ruger on Monday, I guess. Very frustrating.
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New member
That'll be the last resort. This is my first/primary/only gun at the moment. I carry it but might as well leave it at home now. If I can fix it without getting Ruger involved that would be better.

Uncle Malice

New member
One of the reasons you buy a Ruger is that great customer service. Call 'em up, they'll take care of you.


DO NOT trust your life to a gun that you can't trust. Call Ruger and get it resolved. Being without a gun for 2 weeks is better than carrying an unreliable gun for a few months - or until you replace it/sell it/whatever...

Do not gamble with your or your families lives. Call Ruger. They will make it right, and quickly. The SR9c has been a very good gun from them and has had very few reported issues.


New member
I will, first thing Monday morning. However,

DO NOT trust your life to a gun that you can't trust.

This is my issue. When I get it back, I'm still not going to trust it. My first 300 rounds worked, so I would have to fire more than that through it before I'd be back at square one. What if it works for that long and then this problem resurfaces? I'm afraid it will take a long long time for me to trust it.

Looks like I might be carrying the revolver for a while.

Uncle Malice

New member
I definitely understand that feeling. With that said, I never trust a gun as my primary carry until I've put at least 500 rounds through it without a failure. I figure that gives me time to make sure it's well broken in, reliable, and that it's functionality is ingrained into my muscle memory, and I can say I'm accurate with it.

If you're looking for a cheap place to get ammo, check out - You can get 1000 rounds of 9mm for $169.

It's good for range use too. US produced, brass cased, copper jacketed, no steel case or bimetal jacket that the ranges don't like you to shoot.


New member
I'm aware of USA Ammo. I had an order of 500 rounds with them for a week, then I had it cancelled because I decided to start reloading and I have plenty of brass.

The delay was because they were switching between Fedex and UPS, and they were very apologetic and refunded my order with no issue.

If I buy ammo in the future, I would probably go through them.

As for what you said regarding carry guns, I agree in principle, but I'm only about a month into all this and this was my first carry gun. If I had an old carry gun that had passed those tests, I would have continued using it until the Ruger passed those tests. Unfortunately it was the first one.

Haven't had any failures in my revolver yet though. It'll be the transition gun until the SR9c comes back.
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Uncle Malice

New member
Weird. I've always had excellent service and fast shipping from them.

That sounds like a good plan though. Nothing wrong with a good revolver. I'm confident that Ruger will make it right. Please keep us updated on your experience.



New member
I will always own more semis than revolvers, but the SP101 is a revolver I will own for sure. Such great little shooters.
I am reminded of the cop on this forum who posted a few weeks ago he no longer carries semi auto after having witnessed a number of FTFs over the years. He now puts his trust in an eight-shot revolver. It may not have the lure and sizzle of a wonder gun, but a revo nearly always goes bang on demand.


New member
First 200-300 rounds were great. Then I started having an issue I was calling light primer strikes, but I suspect may not have been. At any rate, I'd fire the gun, and the trigger wouldn't move all the way forward. I'd look at the round which was in the chamber and it had a very light primer striker on it. I re-chambered the next round and it would fire. The light-striked round would fire on the next try.

Don't know that I can solve your light strike problem, but I want to address the trigger reset thing. I'm not sure that I'm interpreting your post correctly, but just want to point out something about reset. You know, if the round doesn't fire (light strike/failure-to-fire) and the slide doesn't cycle, the trigger WON'T reset?? Slide must cycle (Round must fire) to have a reset.

Based on what you say about cleaning and still having problems, I agree with the advice to call Ruger. I will mention that you need to be thorough in cleaning the striker channel. After over 2000 rounds, I still get a good bit of brass shavings in the channel after firing a couple hundred rounds without cleaning. These are usually found at the deepest part of the striker channel - like right down at the striker hole in the slide.

Good luck!


New member
Donato, thanks for the post. I should clarify, I initially mis-interpreted the symptoms as light primer strikes. The symptoms were, and are, that I pull the trigger, and the gun fires. Sometimes the trigger does not fully reset. If I eject the round at this point, there is a very light mark on the primer, but I never pulled the trigger on this round (because the trigger wasn't set). This is why I now realize that was a misdiagnosis.

If I reset the trigger (pull slide back just a bit) the rounds then fire, but the next one may or may not reset the trigger. It's like something in the gun is resisting the trigger reset motion. The fact that all the cases are ejected across the range tells me that there aren't any issues with underpowered rounds or springs in the gun.

I have no idea why the primers show very light marks if/when I eject the rounds after the trigger fails to reset.


New member
This is interesting...AND very frustrating to have your carry gun malfunction...

Let us know what happens. First gun I ever fired was a Ruger MKII :D


New member
I dry-fired and worked the slide about 100 times last night. Trigger resets every time perfectly. It's something that is only present with live ammunition.

I forgot initially that the store I bought it from also offers some kind of warranty, so its possible they can fix it without Ruger.


New member
I would never attempt to repair a new gun myself...

All you have to do is call Ruger and they will e-mail you a paid UPS sticker to send it back to the factory the same day you call.


New member
I'm on hold now. My concern is that I can't mail them a gun? Doesn't it have to go through an FFL? Unsure.

I know if I take it to my LGS they will want to mess with it before sending it. If I can just mail it to Ruger without going through an FFL then yeah I'm all about that.

Will find out shortly...


New member
Sorry for your problems with it. I really like that little gun and have seriously considered getting one.

Ruger will get it straightened out so that your confidence can be restored in it.


New member
I feel a lot better knowing I can just send it to them. This being my first experience like this, I was under the impression it would have to be a FFL to FFL transfer, or I'd have to temporarily take it off my permit, or some other nonsense.

Throw gun in box, cease worrying, is a plan I like a lot more.