Ruger SR9


New member
Well, the Lady Friend came home a couple of days ago with exciting news. She got her post graduation job working for her home county's probate office.
This was great, it's in line with her degree, it's sorta fits with what she wants to do, and it's close to home. And then she said something that made me scratch my head but smile at the same time.

"If I get this job, I want a better gun to carry everyday."

Well, you don't have to ask me twice. Loaded up into the truck and off we went to the gun store.

After looking at a Glock 19, a couple of small Walthers, a Commander size Kimber 1911(which I really liked), she really seemed to grove to a SR9.

We rented it and she put a couple boxes of cheap German FMJs down range with it and really seemed to like it. However, her only problem with it, and one of mine, was that sights are a bit small. However, I'm currently researching after market night sights for it. What I really like about it is the external thumb safety. Didn't know the SR9 had that until I handled it in the store. I was impressed!

She(we) are still shopping around, but I think Ruger has made a sell.


New member
Congratulations to the lady friend!

Seems like a good choice, too. I'll look at SR9s if I ever get the itch for another striker-fired pistol.

Don't overlook Walther P99s and SW99s on the used market. GREAT ergonomics, and the P99 at least (haven't shot an SW99) have that trigger that breaks cleanly at the very end of the stroke. Ladies tend to like Walther's ergonomics. I had one ex-girlfriend whom I bought one for. Great gun, that. P99s are too expensive new, though. So if it has to be new, that'll probably be out.

What is your lady friend carrying now? Just curious if the SR9 is really better, or if she is a budding gun nut. :cool:


Well, you don't have to ask me twice. Loaded up into the truck and off we went to the gun store.

After looking at a Glock 19, a couple of small Walthers, a Commander size Kimber 1911(which I really liked), she really seemed to grove to a SR9.

We rented it and she put a couple boxes of cheap German FMJs down range with it and really seemed to like it. However, her only problem with it, and one of mine, was that sights are a bit small. However, I'm currently researching after market night sights for it. What I really like about it is the external thumb safety. Didn't know the SR9 had that until I handled it in the store. I was impressed!

Good plan, having her pick it, after testing it!

My brother has the sR9c (compact model) and I liked it ..... easy to carry, for sure, and shoots well enough.

ESI Agent

New member
I have the SR9 and I really like it. I also like the external safety feature it has and the grip fits my hand like a glove. I liked it so much I now have the SR40 as well.:cool:


New member
The lady currently carries a Taurus snub in .38 Spl, which is a dandy little gun, but since she carries in her purse, she could go a bit bigger in my opinion.

I'm thinking if I get my post graduation like I want said snub might become my ankle piece. :)

We looked at a P99, which I was ambivalent about, but she didn't seem to appreciate the ergonomics too much.


New member
Seems like a good choice, too. I'll look at SR9s if I ever get the itch for another striker-fired pistol.

Don't overlook Walther P99s and SW99s on the used market. GREAT ergonomics, and the P99 at least (haven't shot an SW99) have that trigger that breaks cleanly at the very end of the stroke.

My brother owns an SR9, and I own a P99. Both are great, super-reliable, and accurate autos. The P99 is the superior gun in most respects (better trigger, better ergonomics, better fit & finish, better availability of accessories), but a new one costs about $200 more than the Ruger. The SR9 is also thinner, which can only help for carrying.

In regards to the SR9's smallish standard sights, I actually find that I like them a lot. They help make it a VERY accurate 9mm.

Have you also considered the SR9C or P99c compact versions of these pistols?

kenny g

New member
love the SR9 !

it stoped raining here on sunday and I was able to put a hundred rounds or so down range , " flawless " very accurate, more accurate than my P95 :)


New member
I've owned an SR9, and had a friend talk me into selling it to him. Wish I hadn't, it's a great gun. If your GF wants the SR9, then go for it, but before you do, have her handle the SR9c (compact). It's not a lot smaller, but enough so to make it a little more carry friendly, yet it still possess all the positive things that make a full sized SR9 so appealing.

Here's an article at that includes a few SR9 vs SR9c comparison photos:
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Roland Thunder

New member
I was trying to decide between an SR9 and an SR9c and decided to get the SR9 and then get a really small conceal carry gun because the 9c wasn't that much smaller than the 9. So, I bought a Kahr PM9 for cc

kenny g

New member
love my single stack Kahr MK9 ,carry it everyday.
got the SS Elite,it's a little heavier but somewhat less recoil,,


New member
Did not see a SR9C, nor did I know they made one in .40 S&W, as noted above this wasn't a trip to the gun store prompted by much online research. It was as much as a random tuesday afternoon getaway as anything.

However, the Lady Friend has slightly bigger hands, comes from being a softball player I guess, and carries in her purse, so the compact might not be that much of a game changer.

Okay, I'll bite Fishbed, how do the smaller sights increase accuracy?

My other concern, aside from she saying they are small, is that they didn't appear to be the light gathering night sights that I absolutely positively must have on any gun I carry or any gun my loved ones will cary.

Shucks, I'm not exactly the best with a pistol, especially small ones, I pack a Glock 21 for my EDC piece for crying out loud, and I was surprised at well I shot with it.


New member
"Okay, I'll bite Fishbed, how do the smaller sights increase accuracy?"

I'd say they are more accurate because they don't cover up the whole target. They'd be more precise.


New member
"Okay, I'll bite Fishbed, how do the smaller sights increase accuracy?"

I'd say they are more accurate because they don't cover up the whole target. They'd be more precise.

That's part of the reason.

They are also a very "fine" sight with almost no open space between the foresight and rear sights. I know many folks will (rightly) tout the benefits of more "open" sights (like those on the P99) for faster target acquisition, but the finer sights ultimately allow for more accuracy in controlled situations.


New member
That's part of the reason.

They are also a very "fine" sight with almost no open space between the foresight and rear sights. I know many folks will (rightly) tout the benefits of more "open" sights (like those on the P99) for faster target acquisition, but the finer sights ultimately allow for more accuracy in controlled situations.

As Mel Gibson said in The Patriot: "Aim small, miss small".

I also find that smaller sights lead to more accurate shooting. The less open space in the sights the smaller the margin of error will be. They also don't cover up the target as much, meaning you can see more of what you are shooting at. Large open sights are good for combat shooting, where you don't have to be superbly accurate and you need to be able to rapidly acquire the front sight. But if you are looking for a pure target gun, then the smaller sights can be very beneficial.


New member
Very good choice for your lady friend. My SR9C also fits my hand like a glove. It as been flawless from day one.