Ruger SR9 recall results


New member
I'm looking for others impressions of the SR9 recall results.

Myself, I just got my pre-Production SR9 back from Ruger and I must say it was a very smooth trouble-free experience. It did take them a little while to get me the shipping box but no big deal, I just kept on shooting it and have always been impressed with its accuracy and reliability. Once the box arrived, off it went and was back less than two weeks later (which was very surprising to me). Free (new) mag, SR9 cap and nice Ruger sticker. Well worth the "inconvenience".

Pre-return issues:
The trigger was a small issue with excessive creep and some mild grittiness but it felt like it was improving. I was also having some issues with the barrel lug peening on the top front. Other than that, the gun was great.

Post-recall impressions:
I must say, I'm very impressed with the results. A few of the noticeable tweaks; Primarily the trigger is what I really noticed, I would have to say the trigger is about 300% better, barely any creep, no grittiness and breaks clean. They also replaced the mag release which I didn't even know there was an issue with. Most importantly to me, they replaced the barrel and after about 300rds fired, no peening what-so-ever....oh yea, I guess they did something in the safety department but I couldn't see anything different when field stripped for cleaning.

All-in-all, I would have to say I'm very impressed with the way Ruger handled the whole issue and it further instills in me not only the quality of their firearms but also their customer service and dedication to putting out a quality product for a reasonable price that the average "Joe" can still afford.



New member
I am very happy with my SR9. I put 770 rounds thru it prior to the recall work, and 296 rounds thru it post-recall. I am returning it to my carry rotation.


New member
I personally, wasn't real happy with the recall fix. The process was easy enough, but the Glock trigger they installed was a lot less travel in the trigger, but the pull was still 8 to 10 pounds and hard. This wasn't the best investment in pistols I have ever made. The only thing is I bought it for my son and he doesn't mind.