Ruger SR22 pistol. 5000+ rounds.

Coach Z

New member
getting there

I've got about 2k through mine and while I hate to say it I haven't cleaned it in 1800 rounds :( Really truly embarrassed about that. I normally pamper my guns but I've been busy and this thing has lived in the range bag since I got it!

I had about ftf with winchester bulk last week but other then that one particular brand she's been flawless and probably would still be batting 1000 if I'd cleaned it.
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New member
I'm around 800+ rounds. Easy to shoot and pretty accurate. Most of my malfunctions are with Winchester bulk pack. I tightened up my barrel with a drop of blue loctite as there has been reports of barrels coming loose.


New member
I have shot about 850 rounds all Federal Bulk 525 through my SR22. Everything is great and not one single FTF or FTF.

This gun is a shooter!


New member
I got my girl one for valentine's day, and we both really liked it at first. A few FTFs at the first range trip, but not bad. It's really bad lately and has had jams and FTFs that have even shaved off the copper plating.


This afternoon she's gonna take it back to the gun shop to see if they can help her get ruger to make it right (I'm sure they will). It's been really frustrating for her (me as well) as it's her first gun. Assuming we get the issues with this particular gun fixed, I really like it.

Just to note, we've probably put about 1500 to 2000 rounds through it.


New member
We cleaned it after each trip, shooting a partial to full bulk box of 500. We shot Remington golden bullet, federal and Winchester. I was going to try cci mini-mags yesterday, but before I even started to try them the bulk were failing to feed/jamming from slide lock.

The round that had the plating shaved off never made it out of the magazine. The barrel looks fine inside and out and is secure to the frame. The magazines have occasionally required a little more force to lock into place, so it is possible that they are the weak link. They are the factory issued ones, and I really don't see ordering new ones fixing the problem.

Whatever the case, the issues are a little beyond my gun knowledge. The store I got the gun from is a good little shop with a decent smith, so I imagine he will be able to help diagnose the problems and get ruger to fix it.


New member
I have shot the following ammo:

CCI Standard Velocity - zero failures
Federal Auto Match - zero failures
Federal Bulk Pack - one FTF, the bullet was out of square with the case
Remington Shurshot High Velocity - only 100 rounds but zero failures
Blazer Bulk Pack - only 100 rounds but zero failures
Winchester Bulk - FTF/FTE in almost every magazine

While I would say this is not a picky gun, mine sure does not like Winchester.


New member
I've put somewhere just under 2000 rounds through mine so far. It's great, except for the aforementioned Winchester... So now I just shoot Federal bulk and I have no issues. I clean it every time before I take it to the range. Great little gun!


New member
I am surprised you are having these problems. Not what you hear about these guns.

I have only shot cheap Federal bulk through mine and it has worked great. :confused:


New member

You may want to try cleaning the magazines. While I don't have this particular ruger I do have a Ruger 22/45 MkIII that ran perfect for a couple years. I usually cleaned it after each outing but never paid too much attention to the mags. One day at the range it started jamming on each shot with failures to feed. I took it home and cleaned it and decided to disassemble the magazines and clean them. I was shocked at how much crud they accumulate especially from the bulk ammo that I usually shoot. Cleaned them reassembled them and went back to the range the next day - back to 100%.


New member
As an update on my gal's sr22 issues, the mags seemed pretty clean to me. We took it to the shop we got it from, and the gunsmith was as puzzled by it as we were, but they sent it off to ruger for us and will let us know as soon as they hear anything.

As soon as we get it back, I'll let yall know what they say the issue was.


New member
Didn't get a chance to fire yet, but picked up one last friday.

Barrel should be torqued correctly on these later ones according to Ruger. Looks very nice to me.

I put larger grip on - which took like 2 seconds. And replaced the bottom mag covers with the extended ones. The spring popped out on one, but no big deal. Now it fits my hand even better.

Very impressed with the quality of the little gun so far just in playing around with it and taking it apart.

Have a box of 500 and will let it rip this weekend.

One note is that there IS a magazine disconnect. I thought I put it back together wrong cause trigger was not catching, but it was that I did not put mag back in. Not used to that, but no big deal. I usually do not like them cause seems to trip me up more than a benefit as a safety item.


New member
i just picked one up 3 days ago and im quite impressed with this little gun. I love that they give you all the grip choices, the magazine floor plate extension really makes things alot better for me, as i can get all my fingers gripped around the gun now. I have went through close to 1k rounds so far and has worked flawlessly and i have yet to give it a full cleaning. I just cleaned off all the factory lube that comes on it and put some good oil on it and started blasting.

The only issues i have come across have been magazine related where it doesn't feed a round into the chamber, which has happened occasionally, but its always the 2nd round in the magazine. I have had zero no fires, failure to ejects or any jams. Its not the most accurate pistol in the world, but its still a awesome gun and id would buy it again in a heart beat. Blast to shoot!! I look forward to magazines coming more readily available as i spend more time loading than shooting