Ruger SR1911 and Sig 1911


New member
I have been waiting for this pistol. I have not even seen one in person until last Thursday during a customer appreciation dinner. It felt really nice in my hands and the trigger was pretty nice too. They gave away one that night but it was not my lucky night.

Anyway, the LGS that had put on the dinner had a sale Friday morning. I got to there before the doors opened along with about fifty other people. Rumor was there were only 30 SR1911s up for grabs. I was not going home with out one that day. As soon as I got inside the store I went to the .45 section and made eye contact with a sales rep. I gave him my ID and just said Ruger SR1911. His answer of "I have one for you buddy" was sweet music to my ears. An hour later and a few dollars less than $700 I walked out the door with my Ruger SR1911. :D

Due to a planned trip, I had to wait until Sunday for its first range trip.
From the first shot, I knew this gun is special. My first group of eight rounds were within 2" inches and that was a fairly rushed group because my heart was beating so fast from the adrenaline/excitement. I know the following groups are not that great at 7 yards but for me that is every bit my shooting ability.
Okay here's the first Group

I then shot my Sig 1911 for comparison. The Ruger is on the left and Sig on right.

I am more use to the Sig so my groups with it are better. Plus I'm approaching 500 rounds through it so it's probably nice and good to go from its break-in period.
However, after a few more rounds with the SR1911, I was able to shoot this group.

That's with only less than 50 rounds through the Ruger. Simply amazing.

The trigger on the Ruger felt lighter than the Sig but it a little more slack during the initial trigger pull. I could not tell the difference in reset for either one. The three dots of the sights on the Ruger are slightly bigger than the Sig but it did not make a difference in my aim. The Ruger seems to have a better balance. The Sig seems barrel heavy. The Sig however was easier on the follow up shots due to probably having a heavier front end. Both pistol shot and cycled the WWB 230 gr FMJs, Rem 230 gr HP, Nosler 185 gr Custom and Hornady 230 gr XTPs.


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  • SR1911 and Sig 1911.jpg
    SR1911 and Sig 1911.jpg
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  • SR1911 Accuracy.jpg
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New member
And here they are next to each other.


And the winner!:D

Honestly, I like both of them equally. The Ruger might have an edge as far as balance but they are pretty equal in everything else.


  • Sig 1911 and SR1911 at the range.jpg
    Sig 1911 and SR1911 at the range.jpg
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New member
sig 1911s generally get a bad rap for some reason. I have never handled one just because I am not a huge sig fan so I tend to go for the "classics" like springfield but can honestly say the only 1911 that I have ever been truly interested in is the SR1911. great groups by the way


New member

What are the grips on the Sig? They really look nice.

I have both guns also and for a while the Ruger would not run. The on site gunsmith retensioned the extractor and the gun runs fine now.

I notice some vertical play in my trigger that is not present on my Sig, Smith and Wesson 1911E or my Dan Wesson Valor. Is yours somewhat sloppy that way?

I have about 450 rounds through the Ruger now and about double that for the Sig. I have had no failures with the Sig.



New member
Thanks Tahu.

geetarman - the grips are plain grips I got on sale here.

The trigger on the Ruger does have some up/down play and the slack I was referring to is the slight play back and forth before the trigger engages but I can adjust that part. Also the slide has just a tiny play of movement.
The Sig on the other hand does not have any play on the slide or trigger.
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