Ruger SR 40


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Put a down payment on one this weekend and will pay it out next week, when it gets home pics and a range report will follow. I got the solid black model instead of the two-tone.
Been shopping around and looking at the .40 options for about a month now and didn't want another Glock, and the SR just felt awesome in my hand, can't wait to get it home, sighted in, and blow some ammo down range :D


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I have two SR40c pistolas and really like them. They are accurate, reliable, and very easy to field strip and clean.


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I tried many different .40's and determined the caliber is just not for me. That said, the Glock 23 and SR40c were the best I had shot during the process. Never tried the full size, but I bet you will be very happy with that SR40.


New member
My wife has an SR9C (the bi-tone). The only thing I hate about it is the slide serrations...they've ridiculously sharp edges. I took a file to the edges and they're a bit better - at least they've stopped cutting my hands. I'm not sure if this is an issue across the SR line, though.

As well, it's difficult to rack. She began to complain about it (no idea why she bought a handgun that she can't rack) and I thought she was exaggerating until I tried to rack it. The spring is as stiff as my P220's. We haven't taken it to the range yet, but I've been dry-racking it a lot. I'm not sure if this is an issue with the SR40, though.


New member
I bought an SR40 stainless model about two months ago, I love it. So far I've run over 300 rounds through it including some hollow points not a single misfire or jam. The slide on mine is not hard for me to rack but that might just be me. The only thing I don't like is that you have to take the safety off to rack the slide but ice been told a lot of guns are like that. It does fit real well in my hand and is pretty accurate.

Hope you enjoy yours as muxk as I do mine.


New member
-you have to take the safety off to rack the slide but I've been told a lot of guns are like that.

Not just a lot of guns are like that - the venerable 1911 is like that - so that design must be Right and True. ;)

Good on you for taking on the snappy .40 caliber. (And for getting it in a Ruger...I like that company.)


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Brought the SR home today just had 50 rounds so by time I got comfortable with the trigger I ran out of ammo, I really think I'm going to like this gun .


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I bought an SR 45 Friday. it is an extremely accurate gun. It racked easy enough and fit perfectly.

This is what I found on my search for a good home defense semi.

The SR 9's I handled all racked much harder than the SR 40 or SR 45. I don't know why but, the difference was pronounced. I had read that before hand and will comment that it is true. Big difference.

All of the SR guns that I looked at over the last few weeks had sharp edges on the rail recessions. I assume they are a result of penny pinching. However, I did not see one that would cut a hand. But, I work manual labor so, my hands are rough too.

All of the SR's fit my hand much better than the other makes I handled.

When I got the gun home, I went and shot it a bit. Extremely accurate. My wife shot it. Very little recoil. Even for a 120 lb women. And it fit here hands too. That is saying something when a double stacked version, 45 ACP pistol can be comfortably shot by a women. She is recoil sensitive too. This gun didn't bother her a bit.

I took the gun apart yesterday and really went over it with hot soapy water and got the factory grease off of it. I let it dry and went over it with some KROIL oil and reassembled. It is butter smooth now and the action is even easy to rack. I might be getting used to the trigger more but, the cleaning and lubing with the KROIL oil seemed to really help the trigger a bit. It just seems crisper. I like you, was not used to the trigger. But, I'm fixing on loading up 500 to 600 rounds and getting real acquainted with it. I too really like this gun and see an SR 40 and an SR 9 in the future.

Also, when inspecting the barrel during the cleaning, the feed ramp was bright and polished. Silky smooth. No burrs or abrupt angles. They did it right.

The SR series are great guns. For the money they are a unbeatable guns. And, with the Ruger name, a great choice to purchase with the confidence. God Bless
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I stripped it and cleaned it before shooting it, it fed all 50 rounds smoothly with no hiccups and it took about 6 shots to get the sights on elevation (set them at 20 yards from the bench) I'm very impressed with it. I've read that removing the mag disconnect will smooth the trigger up some and I may try it, but in all honesty by the end of 50 rounds I was shooting a tighter group at 10 yards than I can with my G 19 and it has a very nice Ghost Evo trigger in it. When I pick up a couple of 100 round boxes I'm going to rebench it and really dial in the sights at 25 yards, I was in a hurry wanting to shoot it yesterday :D if it gives me no worries after 300 rounds I will run a mag of 155 gr STHP through it and put it in a holster :cool: