Ruger sp101

rob i

New member
I just picked up a brand new Ruger SP101 with a 2 1/4 inch barrel in .357 Magnum. I bought it on Wednesday, and sent it back to Ruger on Thursday! Let me first say that I am extremely anal when it comes to most things and once I find a defect, I am not one that finds it easy to live with as such. The situation with the Ruger was that the barrel was slightly ( and I mean very very slightly) out of alignment with the frame. I dips down a bit on the right and is raised slightly over the frame on the left. I am hoping that Ruger will fix it to my liking and that I will have no further issues. I'd appreciate any insight to this situation and what I can expect from Ruger in regards to fixing this defect.



New member
Can't help...

I can't help you with what to expect from Ruger but I'm interested in knowing why you went with the SP 101. Do you happen to know how it compares in size to the security six (.357) in size? Would it be a good BUG?


New member
Ribbler, it's considerably smaller than the Security-Six, and holds only five shots.

Rob, this is NOT an uncommon thing to find with Ruger revolvers. It's an easy fix - they'll just turn it back a bit. The factory is used to hearing about this problem, and they are reputed to have decent customer service. Good luck with it.


I plan to add the SP-101 to my collection later down the road. How much are they pricing for now a days new? I'm thinking I could possibly get a great deal somewhere around $280.00. Does that sound about right?
I paid $375 for mine locally about a two months ago. That's probably on the average-high end of the scale, but I try to support my small local shop. Great little snubbie.