Ruger SP101, rattle noise?

Any .45

New member
My sp101's ejector rod seems to be very loose when ever the gun moves it makes a rattling noise I never noticed this before, I have only shot the gun about 50 times. Is this a problem with the Rugers should I send this back to ruger to see if they need to re weld this or do something about this, that rattle is pretty annoying. Has anyone else noticed this? :mad:


New member
Are you sure it's teh ejector rod?

Rugers, like Tauruses use the transfer bar system. If you cock the hammer (make sure the gun is unloaded first), you'll see a piece of free floating metal in between the hammer and the frame. When I first got my Taurus 85, I thought there was something wrong with it too because I heard rattling when I handled the gun. Turned out to be the transfer bar, and it was normal.

Hold the ejector rod with one hand and wiggle the Ruger slightly. If it's the rod, you won't hear the noise anymore. If you still hear the noise, my guess is that it's the transfer bar.


New member
They all do that, it's just the way they are made. Because the cylinder locks from the crane/yoke rather than with the ejector rod like with S&W, it may even be necessary to make sure they function properly without binding. And function they do!! Although the small bit of rattle may be annoying, you'll probably find that the cartridges do just as much rattling. Even though the ejector rod may seem quite loose, i.e. about to fall off, it won't and you should have no problems with function. At least I haven't after about 2000 full house 357s. One tough little gun and way more accurate than you'd think it should be.


New member
The SP's are extremely easy to disassemble- you may wish to do this to better observe the parts and assure yourself they appear ok...and drop in a light Wolfe spring kit while your at it.

Fantastic guns!


New member
I have a SP101 in .38+P and do not experience the rattle described. This is by all experience a very solid revolver.

I suggest you have a gunsmith look at your revolver before you attempt to shoot it again.