Ruger Single-Ten SA


New member
Wondering if anybody here has had experience with the new Ruger ten shot single-action revolver.
It appears to be an updated version of the Single-Six. I love my SS but this ten shooter looks very exciting. I don't really need it but it has gotten my attention in a big way.
Ruger's suggested retail price is about $620.00, way over what a .22 should cost. But, I've kinda gotten fascinated by the concept.
One advantage might be that it is a true .22LR pistol and has a barrel not designed to also shoot the .22 magnum. The SS is not known for accuracy. The Single-Ten might be inherently more accurate.


New member
Hi Rifleman. This is just out. There was a recent thread on it yet, but no one here has yet boastfully posted that he's got one. I expect it won't be long now. ;)

I'm thinking of either one of these or the new SP-101. I like the grip better on the SP-101s, but I don't have a single action revolver yet, and I like the longer barrel on the Single Ten.