Ruger Service


New member
I had a problem with a 22/45 reassembly, making a long story short, sent it back to Ruger and in 2 weeks had it back. They replaced the ejector, the extractor and even the frame. (had a deep scratch near main spring) and the cost for all of this? $0.00 That's right nothing. Talk about good service.


New member
Thanks for the thread DB. Ruger has always done me well.

Isn`t it funny that when someone post a thread giving a company complements, there just isn`t that many replies:confused:.


New member
News like that will get me to remember to send in that warranty card a little sooner on my new LCP. Always great to hear who's doing business the right way.


New member
I had issues with my new P90. It took two trips to the Ruger factory to get it squared away, but they fixed it. The customer service was very responsive and they sent prepaid shipping labels both times. BTW, I never sent in a warranty card, so I don't think it's necessary.


New member
I had issues with my new P90.

I have a P90. Works fine, but I would be interested in what your problem was. Thanks.

I agree about the warranty card, they never even ask.


New member
I had several questions about 3 different models. the same rep aced all my questions perfectly and made sure none of those models needed to be recalled!

My Ruger experience has definitely encouraged me to buy their products. THEY JUST NEED A DA .22! =D

Uncle Buck

New member
I have always been happy with Ruger customer service. They fixed my .22 rifle, even after it sat in the safe for three years after I bought it.
I called them about a question I had concerning one of their revolvers, again, Top Notch.


New member
As Ray Krock said, "you never notice clean, only dirty"

I've heard that Ruger Service is good.... the problem is I own 20 Ruger Firearms and have never had to send one to them, to find out.


New member
I sent a 21 year old Red Label I had done a fair amount of hunting with back to Ruger after the bottom ejector stopped working. I was a bit peeved when it broke and I had to wait a while but it came back with not only the ejector fixed but most of the internals replaced, re-blued barrels and new forearm as mine had some dings in it. All at no charge other than my shipping it to them.
Their service is top notch in my book.


New member
No service needed to date!

Let's see, I own or have owned:

2 x Mk I .22 auto pistols
1 x Super Single-Six
1 x .45 Vaquero
1 x SP 101 .327 Mag
1 x SP 101 .357 Mag
1 x .38 Service-Six

Nothing ever broke! I'm glad to hear Ruger has great service, in case I ever need it. . . :D


New member
I'm very glad to hear about great customer service coming from Ruger. As I currently own, (SP101), and plan to own a another Ruger (P series)


New member
I have only owned two Rugers, and only the gp100 has ever needed service, and it was handled efficiently. I was pleased, and can only say good things about Ruger customer service.



New member
I don't think Rugers even come with a warranty card.

Ruger manual said:
The Magnuson-Moss Act (Public Law 93-637)does not require any
seller or manufacturer of a consumer product to give a written
warranty. It does provide that if a written warranty is given, it must be
designated as “limited” or as “full” and sets minimum standards for a
“full” warranty. Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. has elected not to
provide any written warranty, either “limited” or “full”, rather than to
attempt to comply with the provisions of the Magnuson-Moss Act and
the regulations issued thereunder. There are certain implied
warranties under state law with respect to sales of consumer goods. As
the extent and interpretation of these implied warranties varies from
state to state, you should refer to your state statutes. Sturm, Ruger &
Company wishes to assure its customers of its continued interest in
providing service to owners of Ruger firearms.


New member
I'm lucky, cuz if I ever need service I can just get in my car and drive it up to them! :D (well, not if it's my LCP, that is)


New member
I sure like the sound of that. Had a 10/22 for years with never a glitch.
My new LCP should be here soon.