Ruger semi-autos - what is your opinion?


New member

What do you think of Ruger's pistols? Are they good or not?

Thanks for your opinion!



New member
Search the archives and you will see the vast majority like 'em. They are well built, tough, reliable machines. They are designed to take the hottest loads and keep running. My Ruger P94 has performed flawlessly. It has great accuracy, and I shoot better with it than any S&W or Beretta 9mm I have shot.

Tom B

New member
Here is my story and I'm stickin to it! Years ago when the P95 came out I bought one and didn't like it due to lack of accuracy. Several months ago I purchased another used P95 and it shot good. I liked it so well that several weeks ago I purchased another new P95 and it is also great. Very accurate and reliable. Maybe someone can tell us what Ruger changed over the years to improve the P95 or maybe my first was a lemmon. Anyway to continue my story: Several years ago I also purchased a new P90. It was also a great pistol accurate and reliable. I later traded it but thats another story. Also several months ago I purchased a new highly acclaimed P97. I did not like the feel and I also had some reliability problems so it was also returned to the gunstore. In short the best IMO is the P95 in 9mm and the P90 in 45. But yes Ruger does make a fine auto.THE END.


New member
I've worked for some time at a range where we rent handguns of many types. The Rugers we have are all excellent--very reliable and accurate. I prefer other brands in general because the Rugers tend to be a little large and clunky, but for the cost, Ruger makes an excellent handgun. I would not hesitate to rely on one. Now as to target pistols, Rugers are among the very best. Their .22LR pistols are excellent and a great way to get into shooting if you don't have a gun or much experience yet. Good luck in your search. W

David Scott

New member
Yet another vote for the P95, IMHO one of the best bargains around. Compared to the closest 9mm DA autos from other companies (SIG P228, Beretta 92, etc.) it does what they do, is just as sturdy and reliable and costs a couple hundred less. What's not to like?

See my range report on adding Williams FireSights in another thread -- there's a scan of a target that shows what the P95 can do.


New member
Ruger autos are built like tanks, as accurate as the competition, and generally cheaper. My only problem with them is that they are fairly big, and the controls are placed a little further away than other guns. I have medium to small hands, and I have trouble getting a good grip, as well as reaching the safety, slide release, etc.

Ruger .22's are excellent, as are the revolvers (though I find the SP101 heavy).

Also, Madison, I'm not sure what you mean. I believe there are 9mm Rugers with 15+1 clips (pre-ban, of course), and definately 10 rounders.

J. Parker

New member
Bilbo; Ruger semi-auto's are THE value of the 20th century. Reliable, durable, accurate, and a super value. Politics aside, Ruger puts together a quality product we all can afford whether it's a single-action Blackhawk or a P-95. Good stuff, Ruger. Best Regards, J. Parker


I think they're a good gun for the money, but cheaper made than many higher dollar handguns. I've saw quite a few lemons come out of the Ruger factory, but Ruger always repairs them. They have a super top notch customer service dept., but I still think that quality control is poor. Don't get me wrong I own a couple Ruger autos now, but one came from the factory with a faulty extractor.


New member
I think the Rugers are fine pistols,extremely accurate pistols for the money. I agree the P95 is the best of the lot. I have one and it shoots great, no malfunctions in 500 rounds. My only complaint is they are even uglier than the Glocks.



New member
Ya never know?

They failed the M10 pistol trials, the INS/BP pistol trials, and were dead last in the fBI pistol eval of the late 80s.

OTOH, the Glock was right down there next to em on the FBI list, and look what they issue now. :)



New member
You know the very first pistol i shot was a ruger auto in .45 Cal and i have to admit it was accurate BUT it kept jamming up on me and thats not acceptable

my beretta G elite has fired over 3000 rounds and has never had any malfuntions

my berettta 92 compact has over 600 rounds through it and no malfuntions

the ruger 45 had 20 malfuntions out of 50 rounds......nuff said

Nevada Fitch

New member
I have seen several ruger centerfire autos that did not shoot where they were looking and also had a tendency to jam too often to sute me.If they did work OK they would be fine for a duty gun for open carry.They are too darn big and bulky for conceiled carry as far as I am concerned.The ruger 22's are fine guns.


New member
I own a Ruger P94 in .40 S&W, and I agree that they are a bargain. Mine fired the first several hundred rounds without a problem, but then it start to not extract approximately one to three spent cartridges per box of 50. I called the folks at customer service, and they sent me a new extractor, which was very easy to replace. I was told that some times the heat treating doesn't take. Since then I've only gone through one box, but there were no extraction problems.

My point is this: From what I have heard and seen about Rugers, just about everyone is happy with theirs, as few people have any problems. When one does, the folks at customer service seem knowledgable, and empowered to make things right for the customer. I would have no qualms about buying another.


New member
Like 'em a lot. I own two--a P95 and a 22/45. Both are accurate and reliable. I want a P97 as well. If Al Whore somehow manages to snatch the election, I'll be getting it PDQ--while I still can.

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New member
For the longest time, Rugers left a bad taste in my mouth. But... Not too long ago, I tried a Ruger P97 owned by my brother-in-law and loved it. Very accurate, durable as hell, and super reliable. Even the trigger was a major improvement. Everything a gun should be. Besides the SIG P220, no other 45 feels as good in my hands (double-stack 45s don't cut-it for me). When he told me he paid $329 for it new, I had to have one. I went to Turners the next week to purchase one. He also owns the P95, which like the other have said is also excellent. IMNSHO, no other gun is a better value for the money.

Note: All my other handguns are SIGs & one Glock, which says alot about the Rugers. Mostly the P97/95.


New member
Other firearms brands may carry more rounds, but Rugers handle hotter loads and if you are a good shooter you do not need more than 7-rounds. If you do, Damm you are a bad shot!

As for Rugers jamming that is real rare. Either the operator does not take care of the firearm, does not maintain the firearm or bought-it use and does not know what the previous owner did with that firearm, or it is a lemon. But all brands, models, and calibers have a few lemons in the bunch.

I Have shot this many rounds in Rugers and Taurus:
Ruger P-90T=7550rds
Ruger P-944T=2150rds
Still waiting on the Ruger KP-97 and the Ruger P-95, Damm waiting periods.
Taurus PT-111 "Millenium" 2nd edition, I have shot 2400rds with no malfunction, the clip broke tho(And it was a Mec-gar).

As for Berreta my father owns the old 9mm and the new elite. Both 9mm's broke, the old nine broke (three-times) after +2000rds and the elite broke (once) after +4000rds. It has always been the same problem the front slide ring, it is just too fragile in that area. And they said that the elite had a stronger front slide. Com'on! But I still like the Berretas and other firearms. I wish I had a collectible Caspian firearm that had a 20rd. magazine of 38special and the magazine did not even stick-out of the frame. But my all out favorite firearm is my ChiCom 1965 Parkerize SKS, I have shot +16cases of 7.62X39mm ammo with no rifle malfunction.

As for Rugers they are good firearms. No firearm is excellent, well not yet anyways. My recomendations are as follow: Have big hands P-89 to P-94, got smaller hands P-95 to P-97. I am still waiting on the Ruger .40 synthetic frame model. Later.

"They may kill me, but there will always be more like me". -EDA

They told me,"throw down your guns, return to the earth...HAH! time enough for the earth in the grave". -EDA

"Giving up is not in my vocabulary". -EDA

"Do not fear the governments, that fears you". -EDA


New member
I have a P89 SS 9mm. No malfunctions of any kind, reasonably accurate and easy to shoot. Not as pretty as some others and they do feel a bit clunky in the hand. However, the bottom line is they give you the most bang for the buck!



New member
I second J. Parkers opinion. My KP90 was the first gun I ever purchased for several reasons.

#1. The price was right. Brand new in 1997 it cost me $340.

#2. I wanted a large frame .45 for home defense. It definitely wouldn't be my choice for concealed carry but I sleep better at night knowing it's in the dresser beside me.

#3. My father-in-law, the man who taught me all I know about guns, swears by Ruger firearms. He owns several including a Super Blackhawk and P97.

Over 500 rounds just this weekend without a single problem. Had one hang up firing some reloaded stuff. It's built like a tank and does handle like one at times but overall feels right at home in my hand. Up next is my own P97 and sooner or later a Vaquero.

Matthew J. Giegler
US Army
Fort Irwin, California


[This message has been edited by Redleg (edited November 03, 2000).]